A beautiful children’s song performed in Yiddish by Bobe Adina.

Dove – A nice girly-dove meets a male- dove who she wants to be friend.  He seems too stuck up to notice her but she persists:  and she explains what friendship is and suggests to him that he may want to think into the future and accept her offer — but she will not keep on begging him.

This song is part of the album “Talzi”, Cri-Cri songs and traditional songs for children in Yiddish.


A taybele hot zikh farkukt
Derzen hot zi plutzlung a toyb – aza “her”
Zi shpringt glaykh, farmakht oykh an
Zi shmeykhlt un roytlt zikh, ruft im aher.

Der foygl dreyt um, vayzt a pleytze
Er makht zikh er zet nit
Er halt zikh groys, groys!
Undzer taybele vos iz a dame
Fun alts makht a drame, shtoynt – vil nit

Fun ven ikh hob dikh bakant
Federn hostu sheyne
Ikh hob zikh ober gekhapt
Az zest mir nor vi a fremde!

Ven ober kh’red sheyn tsu dir
Haltstu fason – un du kukst nit
Gist zikh a drey, shpringst un a heyb
Un makhst fun a gor – gornit!

Geshikt hob ikh dir a konvert
A brivele ful mit libe
Verter gemolt hob tsu dir
Vi tzukerlakh – on a sibe – hu!

Ober du zest nor papir
Gepetshket on shum kolir
Varfst es aroys – du zest nor a bloyz
Un klern klerstu nit oyf foroys!

Kh’vil nit dayn frayntshaft shoyn
Oyb bist nit klug un frayntlakh
Ze alts vos kh’zog tsu dir
Un shtendik farmakhstu di tir! Oy!

Ober kh’gib dir a shans
Di letste mol vos kh’freg dikh
Vilst haltn a hant,
Lernen zayn fraynt
Un shmeykhlen fun haynt un vayter!

Translated and modified to Yiddish by Adina Cimet. This CD is not for sale.


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