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Monthly Archives: May 2024

Government advances IDF draft bill for haredim

The Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved a haredi draft bill on Thursday first put forward by current Minister-without-Portfolio Benny Gantz in the previous government. “​​To bridge the differences and bring about a broad consensus, Prime Minister...

Rep. Kean leads communal roundtable discussion to counter hate in New Jersey

Rep. Tom Kean Jr. (R-N.J.) led a meeting of Jewish leaders, elected officials and students on May 13 in an effort to develop plans to counter rising antisemitism. Kean invited constituents from the state’s 7th Congressional District. “There...

Sullivan meets with officials whose citizens are being held by Hamas

Ambassadors and chiefs of missions from 18 countries joined to address the continued captivity of their citizens by Hamas in the Gaza Strip after terrorists kidnapped as many as 250 people from Israel on...

Israel releases new Gaza death toll, claims historically low civilian deaths

The ratio of terrorists to Palestinian noncombatants killed during Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip is approximately one to one, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed this week. “What Israel has done...

Germany bans pro-Hamas group supporting ‘Palestinian resistance’

German authorities on Thursday banned Palestine Solidarity Duisburg, which had expressed solidarity with “Palestinian resistance in all forms,” according to the Associated Press. Police raided four properties in the city of Duisburg linked to the group. The...

Israel and “Last things”

Louis René Beres (Ph.D., Princeton, 1971) Emeritus Professor of International Law Purdue University lberes@purdue.edu Examined historically, war and terror against Israel are better explained by eschatology (the study of “last things”) than by enemy hopes for “self-defense” or...

Israeli Cabinet rejects UN Palestinian statehood resolution

The Israeli government on Wednesday unanimously approved a proposal to oppose a U.N. resolution promoting recognition of a Palestinian state. “No reward will be given for the terrible massacre of Oct. 7, which 80% of...

The return of the ‘dhimmi’

According to WikiIslam, a “pact of protection” exists in Islamic society, termed a dhimma, which includes social rights, responsibilities and restrictions that are awarded those who merit the status of being a dhimmi. Those who qualify for dhimmi status...

War stories: Holocaust survivor meets descendant of Nazi scientist

Five hundred rivets—that was Oskar Jakob’s goal. Failure to meet the quota in a 12-hour shift meant severe punishment. “If I didn’t make the minimum, I got beaten,” he said. Jakob, 94, is a Jewish resident...

Ernst blasts Biden’s ‘ironclad’ commitment to Israel as ‘a bunch of bull’

According to Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), the Biden administration’s efforts to withhold weapons from Israel to deter a ground invasion into Rafah—the southernmost part of the Gaza Strip where Hamas strongholds still stand—may actually...