Jonathan S. Tobin
Who’s in charge? Pompeo or Trump
There were a great many differences between President Barack Obama’s June 2009 Cairo speech and the address delivered on Jan. 10 in the same city by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. As Pompeo repeatedly...
Jews need to be more than victims
The hashtag #myfirstantisemiticexperience is helping to publicize the everyday reality of Jew-hatred. But it’s not clear if this is helping Jews think clearly about the subject.
The testimonies of slights, hurtful comments or outright acts of intimidation—even...
The ‘Pittsburgh Platform’ and the push for a new Jewish schism
Jonathan Weisman doesn’t understand much about the nature of modern anti-Semitism. But Weisman, an editor at The New York Times and author of a remarkably obtuse book about anti-Semitism published in March 2018 does grasp the core...
Five questions about Israel’s political musical chairs
The old expression is that for every two Jews, there are three political opinions. In Israel, that cliché can be extended to also include four or five political parties. That’s never been truer than...
Amos Oz and the centrality of Hebrew in Jewish life
For those who only know Israel as a field of political combat, Amos Oz was just a writer with a point of view about his country’s basic political and security dilemmas. Oz’s advocacy for...
Agenda for 2019: Defend Jewish interests, not partisanship
2018 will go down as a year in which hyper-partisanship reached new heights in the United States. Those on one side of the partisan divide blame it all on U.S. President Donald Trump. His...
Discrimination against the Jewish state isn’t free speech
It sounds outrageous. A speech pathologist in a Texas school district was asked to sign a pro-Israel pledge. If she refused to go along, she would lose her job. Described in that way, the...
Stinting on compassion for Jewish victims of terror
In a moment that had to tug at the heartstrings of their listeners, a young Israeli couple whose baby was killed as the result of a terrorist attack sought to find consolation amid their...
A distinct lack of Jewish outrage
American Jews have often been bashed for being too Israel-centric. But while there was a great deal to be said for arguments that the organized Jewish world needed to focus more on building up...
Is Ocasio-Cortez really Jewish?
At a time when DNA tests are a national craze, as well as source of political controversy, we shouldn’t be surprised about claims of Jewish identity from anyone. But when they come from someone...