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Monthly Archives: April 2020

Observing Yom HaShoah with a Prayer from Elie Wiesel. credit: National Archives and Records Administration

Recognizing a righteous sacrifice

While the Holocaust is often associated with Jewish victimhood, Yom Hashoah v’Hagvura also highlights the bravery and sacrifices the Jewish people made during this devastating time in history. One such example is the Warsaw Ghetto...

Remembering via a virtual March of the Living

Residents throughout our county are joining a unique, worldwide virtual memorial to remember the victims of the Holocaust.  Sidelined by the coronavirus pandemic from attending this year’s “March of the Living” which brings thousands...
The empty Ayalon highway in Tel Aviv on April 8, 2020. All intercity travel has been banned until after the first days of Passover. Photo by Miriam Alster/Flash90.

Israel approves $6 million in grants to startups, companies combating coronavirus

The Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) approved NIS 22 million (approximately $6 million) in grants last week for 35 startups and companies trying to combat issues caused by the coronavirus pandemic. On March 17, the IIA,...
A 2018 Tesla Model S. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Tesla moves forward with commercial launch in Israel after initial delay

The electric and autonomous-car company Tesla Inc. is going ahead with its plans to launch commercially in Israel, reported Calcalist on Tuesday. Elon Musk’s company recently appointed Ilan Benano—a former executive at Israeli Mercedes importer Colmobil Ltd....
A Pluristem scientist at work. Credit: Pluristem.

US patient receives Israeli coronavirus treatment with 100 percent survival rate

An American patient diagnosed with the coronavirus (COVID-19) has been given a treatment by Israeli-based Pluristem that, so far, has a 100 percent survival rate. The development, which occurred under the Israel’s compassionate-use program, comes...
Jeremy Corbyn, former leader of the British Labour Party. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Report: Hostility to Corbyn stymied British Labour Party effort to face anti-Semitism

A leaked internal British Labour Party report into the party’s handling of anti-Semitism claims that inner-party hostility to then-party leader Jeremy Corbyn impeded the party’s efforts to confront the issue. The 860-page report, which does...

The Hebrew Free Burial Association had to rent a trailer to hold its backlog...

The Hebrew Free Burial Association (HFBA) had to rent a refrigerated trailer to handle the backlog of bodies caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The Hebrew Free Burial Association devotes its resources to performing chesed shel...

Scott Hilton Davis presents: Celebrating Jacob Dinezon On His 100th Yortsayt

Who was Jacob Dinezon, the Yiddish writer who in his day outshone even Sholem Aleichem? Scott Hilton Davis tells his remarkable personal journey with the rediscovery of Jacob Dinezon, the great humanist and writer, who...

How to translate Yiddish Humor into Japanese… Without losing your Punchline!

Prof. Yoshiji Hirose is an internationally recognized expert in Jewish American literature, and in Yiddish literature in particular. In addition to an impressive list of publications which critically examine the works of Jewish authors,...

Kolya Borodulin presents: Birobidzhan – An Incredible Dream At The Far Reaches Of The...

Ek Velt - An Incredible Dream At The Far Reaches Of The World< ק װעלט׃ די פֿאַרכאַפּנדיקע מעשׂה פֿון ייִדיש אין ביראָבידזשאַן Please join us for the fascinating story of Birobidzhan — a remote and forbidding...