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Monthly Archives: April 2020

Ilhan Omar campaigning at the Twin Cities Pride Parade in Downtown Minneapolis, on June 24, 2018. Credit: Tony Webster/Wikimedia Commons.

Campaigns shape up against 3 anti-Israel Congress members

We have been living with the glaring presence of Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar in Congress for 15 months. Finally, we have some idea of the forces that could decide Tlaib’s political future. Likewise...
Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl was murdered by terrorists in Pakistan in 2002. Source: Screenshot.

Daniel Pearl’s murderer gets ready for freedom

Even now, 18 years after his murder at the hands of terrorists in Pakistan, there is no better symbol of the ideological intersection between Islamism, anti-Semitism and hatred of the United States than Daniel...
Ben Morlok / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)

How Turkey is turning into the next Iran

While Iran has virtually no close ties with the West and certainly does not speak with the White House, Turkey is a NATO member, and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan speaks from time to time with...
The Canadian flag. Credit: Wikipedia.

‘Canadian Jewish News’ folds due to financial woes, virus pandemic

The Canadian Jewish News announced on Thursday that it will fold due to financial troubles exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic. “Everywhere we have seen the devastating impact of COVID-19. It has attacked every aspect of life...
View of Downtown Cleveland Skyline, taken from the Superior Viaduct. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

‘Cleveland Jewish News’ named by AP as best Ohio newspaper for its size

The Associated Press has named The Cleveland Jewish News the best Ohio newspaper for outlets with a daily circulation of 8,000 to 11,999. In total, The Cleveland Jewish News captured 18 awards, including six first-place awards. The AP announced the winners on March...
A Magen David Adom medical worker collects samples for coronavirus testing at the entrance to the East Jerusalem village of Jabel Mukaber, April 2, 2020. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90.

Israeli researchers believe coronavirus vaccine testing could commence by June

Israeli researchers said they are days away from finishing production of the active component of a coronavirus vaccine that could be tested on humans starting June 1. “We are in the final stages and within...
A view of the book "Adolf Hitler, 1931-1935: Pictures From the Life of the Führer." Credit: Amazon.

Amazon apologizes for Hitler book disguised as dog-training manual

Amazon on Wednesday apologized to a British customer who called on the online retail giant to “immediately” remove from sale a book disguised as a puppy-training manual that in fact contains a full reprint...
The Hungarian Jewish community will supply tens of thousands of packages of poultry to Jewish communities in France, England, Germany and Austria In light of a growing shortage of kosher meat among European Jewish communities due to the coronavirus pandemic, April 2, 2020. Photo by Zsolt Demecs.

Hungary to supply packages of kosher poultry to Jewish communities of Europe

In light of a growing shortage of kosher meat among European Jewish communities primarily due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Hungarian Jewish community announced on Thursday that it will begin supplying tens of thousands...
Health-care professionals at New York-Presbyterian Hospital enjoy kosher pizza delivered by Kosher19. Credit: Courtesy.

Journalist fires up new initiative to feed those on the virus front lines

A new project that launched this week focuses on providing kosher meals to Jewish health-care workers on the front lines fighting the coronavirus pandemic at hospitals around the United States while also helping Jewish...
Young Israel of New Rochelle, N.Y., which has been at the center of a coronavirus containment zone, March 2020 Credit: Young Israel.

New Rochelle synagogue members donate blood antibodies to fight COVID-19

Members of a congregation in New Rochelle, N.Y., began donating blood on Tuesday in an effort to help researchers who are creating a way to treat COVID-19. The first several cases of coronavirus infection to...