Professor Jamal Harfoush, who is running for the Brazilian Federal Chamber of Deputies, uploaded a video to the Internet on Dec. 18, 2017, in which he harshly criticized Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states for, according to Harfoush, supporting U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
“May black tar and soot cover the heads of [King] Salman [of Saudi Arabia] and then entire Saud clan,” he said.
Harfoush, a member of the World Palestinian Economic Congress, added that they are Zionist Jews clad in Arab Islamic garb, and said that it is a religious duty to throw them into “the garbage dumpsters of history.”
He also said: “Saudi women got their driver’s licenses in 2017, but Palestinian women were driving in the 1930s, when your men were still chasing camels that wandered off into the Hejaz desert.”
Following are excerpts:
Professor Jamal Harfoush: May black tar and soot cover the heads of [King] Salman and the entire Saud clan, as well as on the heads of all the Gulf princes, whether alive or dead—those pigs and apes, the offspring of Mordechai.
The Nasserist heritage of glory and honor is something you have never heard of, and never will, you … you … you stray bunch! The Saudi pig, offspring of Mordechai, who goes by the name [Abdelhameed] Hakeem, said that Trump’s decision [to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem] could cause a positive shock that would disturb the still waters of the faltering negotiations between the Palestinians and the occupying Israeli entity. Thus, he exposed how low you would stoop, oh offspring of Mordechai, oh traitors of our nation and Zionist collaborators. Trump’s decision, which you supported, will turn the land upside down over your heads, you sons of apes and pigs. We are the Palestinians, and this is Jerusalem, oh Saud clan, and therefore, we should trample over your filthy heads, before they blossom and spread your corrupt Zionist-Wahhabi ideology among the Arab-Islamic nation and the rest of the nations.
You are Zionist Jews, clad in Arab-Islamic garb for the sole purpose of robbing the resources of our nation. Burning you and throwing you into the garbage dumpsters of history is a religious and national duty, you lowlifes of the Saud clan and the Gulf.
Saudi women got their driver’s licenses in 2017, but Palestinian women were driving in the 1930s, when your men were still chasing camels that wandered off into the Hejaz desert.