Donald Trump has released a Chanukah greeting along with a message of solidarity for his “Jewish brothers and sisters”.
He tweeted out a wish for a “happy and healthy eight nights” along with a formal message on behalf of himself and the First Lady, Melania.
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He said: “Chanukah is a time for Jewish families around the world to come together around the lighting of the menorah and celebrate the miracles of the past and promises of the future. Melania and I wish all of our Jewish brothers and sisters celebrating this meaningful holiday a happy and healthy eight nights in the company of those they love.”
He went on to explain the Chanukah story, concluding that he was “proud to stand with the Jewish people who shine as a light to all nations. We also stand with the people of Israel, the Jewish State, which has itself a miraculous history of overcoming the tallest of odds. ”
President Trump’s daughter Ivanka also tweeted a Chanukah message, along with a picture of her husband and children lighting the menorah.
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President Trump’s daughter Ivanka also tweeted a Chanukah message, along with a picture of her husband and children lighting the menorah.