Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF) supporters Fred and Jeannette Bogart of Boca Raton, Fla., and New York donated $60,000 to rebuild the synagogue on the Israel Defense Forces’ Kissufim Base, home to the 414th Nesher Field Intelligence Battalion and a rotation of infantry units.
The synagogue, along with a Torah scroll used by IDF soldiers, was destroyed by a Hamas rocket in early May in a barrage of rocket fire into Israel that caused the deaths of four civilians.
The synagogue is scheduled to be rebuilt by September, according to FIDF.

“We feel privileged to be able to contribute to the wonderful efforts of Friends of the IDF in supporting the brave men and women of the IDF,” said Fred Bogart. “These soldiers risk their lives to defend the Jewish homeland on the Gaza border, so helping to restore this place of spirituality is an honor for us.”
The Bogarts will be recognized for their donation with a plaque in the synagogue. They will be invited to the synagogue’s reopening and have an opportunity to meet the soldiers and commanders on the base.
FIDF is still looking for $43,000 to replace the Torah scroll donated in memory of Holocaust survivors, which was also destroyed by the Hamas rocket attack.
“The soldiers of the Kissufim Base work along the dangerous Gaza border to ensure the safety of the state of Israel,” said Susan Levin-Abir, executive director of the FIDF Palm Beach/Broward in South Florida. “Rebuilding the synagogue will raise the morale of the soldiers, and return a center for prayer, celebration and spirituality that was lost.”