CIAM 24/7 Call center: 1-855-4636-395 (24 horas)
Update: Mexico Customs (SAT) has announced flexibilization regarding donations from abroad to support the victims of the Earthquake. These donations will be authorized without the need to pay neither taxes nor customs agent, and the authorization will only take one day. To see the requirements and suggested articles for donation, click here. Please consider the temporary closing of San Ysidro Port of Entry from September 23rd to 25th. For more information click here.
International donations for Mexico are received through the Mexican Red Cross at:
1. Access the website and follow the information to create a new account
2. Enter the credit card information or through a PAYPAL account (the amount is in Mexican Pesos MXN) and then select the cause: “SISMO 19/09/17
3. Website confirms that the transaction was successful and issues a receipt.
Emergency Collection Centers for delivery to the earthquake victims are implemented only in Mexico, due to logistics.
For specialized international aid, such as humanitarian, medicines or rescue teams, please contact the Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego
For information regarding US nation als that were in Mexico at the time of the earthquake, please call”
Phone number: 202.501.4444
Toll free number 1.888.407.47.47