Hundreds of HaZamir: The International Jewish Teen Choir singers, from 35 chapters across the United States and Israel, will join together next month for three days of “Jewish Strong” group discussions and rehearsals at the annual HaZamir International Festival. The event fosters the opportunity for teens to share culture, music, values and cultivate international friendships. The festival culminates in a gala performance at Carnegie Hall in New York City on March 23.

Under the direction of maestro Matthew Lazar, founder of the Zamir Choral Foundation, and featuring conductors from America and Israel, the HaZamir concert combines music, Judaism, community and spirituality in a powerful blend. A variety of musical styles will be performed, including popular music and classic Israeli and Jewish American selections in English and Hebrew, as well as several pieces that were commissioned or arranged just for HaZamir.

“HaZamir gives young people an outlet to celebrate their Jewish heritage, connect with one another, and feel a sense of belonging and pride through the creative outlet of music. Now more than ever, this supportive community is crucial to teens,” says Lazar. “By providing a high-quality, structured program, HaZamir’s unique experience helps foster a lifelong commitment to Jewish life through Jewish music.”

HaZamir teens rehearse regularly in their local chapters with expert conductors and meet for regional retreats and leadership events throughout the year in addition to the annual festival and concert. HaZamir serves as a training ground for the next generation of singers, conductors, composers and leaders. Many HaZamir graduates have gone on to musical careers or have assumed leadership roles in their communities, including 17 HaZamir alumni who are now conductors or coordinators of their own HaZamir chapters.

“This is a life-changing experience for these teens, as they express their Jewish identities through their love of music. They build leadership skills and strong connections to peers from a range of backgrounds, resulting in a greater understanding of each other’s similarities and differences,” says Vivian Lazar, director of HaZamir. “The opportunity to be part of something bigger than themselves and perform on the world’s greatest stages also instills a sense of confidence and achievement.”

Aalumnus JP sums up the unique benefits of the HaZamir experience: “HaZamir taught me invaluable lessons about unity, the power of the collective, Judaism, leadership and friendship. As I look back on this experience, the many memories, while all exciting and different, share a common denominator: HaZamir brings out the best in everyone.”

The HaZamir choir includes teens in grades 9-12 with U.S. chapters located in: Baltimore; Bergen County N.J.; Boca Raton, Fla.; Boston; Brooklyn, N.Y.; Central N.J.; Chicago; Cleveland; Detroit; Houston;  Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley; Long Island, N.Y.; Manhattan, N.Y.; MetroWest region of N.J.; Miami; Minneapolis; New Haven, Conn.; Orlando; Philadelphia; Pittsburgh; Providence, R.I.; Silicon Valley, Calif.; Southern New Jersey; Washington, D.C.; and Westchester County, N.Y.

The Israeli HaZamir chapter cities are Ashkelon, Beit She’an, Dimona, Gan Yavneh, Hod HaSharon, Jerusalem, Ofakim-Merchavim and Yerucham.

The 2025 HaZamir: The International Jewish Teen Choir concert will take place at 2:30 p.m., on March 23, at Carnegie Hall’s Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, located at 881 7th Ave., New York, N.Y. Click here for online tickets; go to the Carnegie Hall box office; or call Carnegie Charge at 212-247-7800.

For additional information, visit: Media Contact: Liz Ammirato,


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