The Orthodox Union’s (OU) Yachad, the leading group for individuals with disabilities in the Orthodox community, kicked off North American Inclusion Month (NAIM) with more than 200 events taking place around the United States and Canada.

The programs seek to provide social opportunity, along with developing sensitivity and awareness of what it means to live with disabilities, and to educate communities on how they can do their part to make sure that Jews are included in all facets of life.

The events are taking place in Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Los Angeles, South Florida, New England, New Jersey, New York and Toronto.

Programming includes 14 Shabbatonim around the United States, in addition to cooking classes, bowling outings, learning and exercise classes, family support groups and sensitivity training.

OU executive vice president Allen Fagin added that “NAIM has become a cornerstone event for our community, and it unites us in making sure that each member of our community is valued and included.”

“Each year, we look to host more programs and in more communities,” said Yachad’s NAIM director, Rebecca Schrag Mayer. “Our hope is that this event shines a broader light on the amazing programming we are doing year-round.”


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