Citing recent research, DMFI PAC chairman Mark Mellman says voters in Missouri’s 1st District have grown disillusioned with Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) and have been drifting towards her primary opponent, Wesley Bell.

The poll released Monday by DMFI PAC shows that of the 400 voters surveyed from July 21-24.

 Bell now leads Bush 48% to 42%. In June, Bell led by one point over Bush while in January she led him by 16.

“In just the last month, Congresswoman Bush saw a 12-point increase in the number of voters who say she does not get things done for her district and an 8-point increase in those who do not think she’s honest or ethical,” Mellman says. “Meanwhile, a large majority of voters (60 percent) view Wesley Bell favorably, a 17-point advantage over Rep. Bush.”

Over the last two months, Bush’s job approval rating has plummeted—going from 53% to 43%.

The pollsters—the Mellman Group—mote their analysis of the results that “a lot can happen in the final two weeks of a race like this, but Bell clearly has the momentum in this contest.”


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