Startup Nation Central is partnering with Tzafon Medical Center near Tiberias to help drive economic recovery in northern Israel.

In a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed last week, the two agreed to work to boost healthcare innovation.

“We see this collaboration as a driver for economic recovery and business growth in northern Israel,” said Avi Hasson, CEO of Startup Nation Central.

“The combination of our activities in developing the health tech sector, along with our global connections, provides an excellent opportunity to implement innovative technologies and knowledge processes in the medical center,” he added.

The partnership aims to position Tzafon Medical Center, also known as Poriya Medical Center, as a regional leader in health tech innovation and entrepreneurship, according to a statement released by Startup Nation Central.

Startup Nation Central will provide Tzafon with knowledge and capabilities for managing and implementing innovation processes, training medical staff, creating global partnerships and “connecting to the health tech innovation ecosystem in Israel and worldwide.”

Special emphasis will be placed on rehabilitation, coinciding with the coming opening of the Helmsley Rehabilitation Center at Tzafon Medical Center, the first and only rehabilitation center in northern Israel.

“Innovation, academia and research are crucial tools for the medical center in its efforts to recruit and retain high-quality personnel,” said Dr. Noam Yehudai, managing director of Tzafon Medical Center, describing the hospital as “an ideal site” for developing innovation and entrepreneurship in medical fields.

“The collaboration signed with Startup Nation Central will help us strengthen our unique centers of excellence in the north,” he added.


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