The puppies enjoyed the morning walk.
Fresh bright scents filled the air.
The winds had scattered the sidewalks
With small branches, pine needles, pine cones,
Magnolia leaves, the occasional larger
Broken limb, palm fronds,
Each their own delight; the puppies
Grabbing this one, dropping that
Tussling as we walk over the more
Enticing bit of vegetation from this
Unusually rich selection of natural and
Organic short term doggie toys.
While amused by their antics,
The tussling and tugging,
I thought of the winds,
Heaving and screaming
Cracking the trees, shaking off the bits
While funneling down the canyons,
Driving and fueling the inferno, as
The terrified tussled and tugged
Precious memories, some clothes,
Perhaps the critical computer,
Into the car to flee, flee, run
To get out,
To make way for the fire-folk
To tussle and tug hoses and gear
To clear out of the path from beneath
The aerial attacks against the advancing blaze.
I considered all that, and offered a prayer,
Which at this time is all I had
To offer to those tussling, tugging,
Running, tearing up, fearing,
While escorting the puppies
On the daily necessary walk.
Thank God for puppies.
Thank God for fire-folk, and cops,
And ambulance drivers, and neighbors
Who help. And all the others.
The situation so bad, sad.
But what else? For those who help, I
Thank God.
Dennis Gura