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Home News JNS top 40 global advocates for Israel online

JNS top 40 global advocates for Israel online

Each of these inspiring leaders have two things in common: They are making a real difference and are fearless advocates for the Jewish state.


In this day and age, the State of Israel is fighting on multiple battlefronts, none more so important than online.

Whether it be Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram or TikTok, battles of the narrative are being waged, anti-Semitism is spreading, and extremist forces are seeking to undermine efforts towards peace.

In compiling this list, which is by no means exhaustive (or ranked), JNS has sought to include individuals from all walks of life, from around the world, and both Jews and non-Jews alike.

Each of these inspiring leaders has two things in common: He or she is making a real difference, and is a fearless and tireless advocate for the Jewish state.

Avi Abelow is one of the most prominent members of the pro-Israel community and a master of using different digital platforms to make the case for Israel, defend Jewish rights and expose anti-Semites, and amplify the voices of others. He is the co-founder of Israel Unwired.

Ashager Araro (@AshagerAraro)

Ashager Araro is one seriously outspoken Zionist, feminist and proud Ethiopian Israeli Jew. She is also not to be messed with online. Today, she also runs her own museum, “Bettae Center,” teaching about the Ethiopian Israeli community.

Simon Cobbs (@SussexFriends)

As head of “Sussex Friends of Israel,” Simon Cobbs has led the grassroots movement in support of Israel in the United Kingdom. He has been absolutely singularly fearless in standing up for the Jewish state while taking on BDS supporters and anti-Semites.

Joseph Cohen (@israel_advocacy)

Joseph Cohen founded the Israel Advocacy Movement, which has become one of the leading pro-Israel groups in the United Kingdom, while combating anti-Semitism, BDS and taking on terror apologists. Today, his videos have been viewed by millions and even shared by U.S. President Donald Trump.

Dave Collier (@mishtal)

Dave Collier is a British investigative journalist who has uncovered a wealth of news-breaking stories on Jeremy Corbyn and anti-Semitism in the British Labour Party, as well as Islamist groups in the United Kingdom.

Michal Cotler-Wunsh (@CotlerWunsh)

In the short space of a few months, Michal Cotler-Wunsh, a Knesset member for the Blue and White Party and one of Israel’s top international law experts, has become the leading voice in the Knesset making the case for Israel and fighting online anti-Semitism.

Ido Daniel (@IdoDaniel)

Ido Daniel is the director of digital strategy at Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs, which has been tasked with leading the Israel government’s fightback against BDS. As part of that, he has led a host of successful campaigns, while bringing together the global pro-Israel community.

William Daroff (@Daroff)

William Daroff is a pioneer of pro-Israel advocacy on Twitter and one of the most influential Jewish leaders online. Today, as CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, he is a leading voice of the American Jewish community.

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner (@AttorneyNitsana)

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner is an Israeli attorney, human-rights activist, best-selling author and the founder of Shurat HaDin Israeli Law Center, where she successfully fights in the courtroom for the rights of Israeli victims of terror, while also taking on BDS supporters and their enablers.

Michael Dickson (@michaeldickson)

Michael Dickson is the executive director of StandWithUs Israel—one of the leading pro-Israel groups in the world—and himself a leading advocate for the Jewish state. He has also just published his first book, ISRESILIENCE, which talks about what Israelis can teach the world.

Yishai Fleisher (@YishaiFleisher)

Yishai Fleisher is the international spokesman for the Jewish Community of Hebron and host of the “Yishai Fleisher Show” weekly podcast. Whether it is in person or online, he is unwavering in standing up for Israel, and specifically, Jewish rights in Judea and Samaria.

Hillel Fuld (@HilzFuld)

Hillel Fuld is basically Israel’s “Mr. Tech.” A world-renowned blogger, vlogger and strategic business adviser, he knows more about the Israeli tech ecosystem than almost anyone, and boy does he have a passion for telling that story.

Gal Gadot (@GalGadot)

Israel’s “Wonder Woman,” both on-screen and off, Gal Gadot has taken Hollywood by storm and become one of the most influential Israelis online. She is also proud of her country, her faith and her service in the Israel Defense Forces, which she often talks about on Twitter and Instagram. (Photo by Flash90.)

Brooke Goldstein (@GoldsteinBrooke)

Brooke Goldstein is a well-known human-rights attorney and executive director of the Lawfare Project, who has been uncompromising in her use of legal tools to support Israel and fight anti-Semitism, including her most recent success: #EndJewHatred campaign.

Yonatan Gonen (@GonenYonatan)

As head of the Arabic-language New Media Section at Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yonatan Gonen has steered the ministry to an incredible reach of 12 million users per week across various digital platforms. With Israel’s burgeoning peace with the Arab world, his voice will remain indispensable.

Jackie Goodall (@jackiegoodall)

As head of “Ireland Israel Alliance,” the top pro-Israel group is Ireland, Jackie Goodall takes no prisoners and has no fear in standing up for Israel and countering the BDS movement.

Gabriel Groisman (GabeGroisman)

Gabe Groisman a corporate attorney and Mayor of Bel Harbour, Fla. As mayor, he passed the first municipal anti-BDS ordinance and helped codify the definition of anti-Semitism in the United States. He is also an unwavering champion of the U.S.-Israel alliance.

Yoseph Haddad (@YosephHaddad)

This former combat soldier in the Israel Defense Forces, who was severely injured in the Second Lebanon War, is also a proud Arab Israeli and a passionate defender of Israel online. Today, Yoseph Haddad is CEO of “Together–Vouch for Each Other,” an NGO that aims to support and integrate Israel’s Arab community.

Fleur Hassan-Nahoum (@FleurHassan)

Fleur Hassan-Nahoum wears many hats: Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, proud Zionist and feminist, and co-founder of UAE-Israel Business Council, where she is now championing Israel’s relations with Gulf states. She is literally an unstoppable, one-woman tour-de-force.

Dov Hikind (@HikindDov)

Dov Hikind is a former New York State Assemblyman and founder of Americans Against Anti-Semitism. He is a proud Jewish American and staunch supporter of Israel, whether online or in person, never afraid to stand up for the Jewish state and take on anti-Jewish hatred.

Sarah Idan  (@RealSarahIdan)

The former “Miss Iraq” first drew global attention, when she “dared” to take a selfie with her Israeli counterpart. Sarah Idan has become one of the most vocal supporters of Israel and peace advocates, even speaking out before the U.N. Human Rights Council.

Shoshana Keats Jaskoll (@skjask)

Shoshana Keats Jaskoll’s Twitter bio reads “woman with many causes,” and that includes Zionism, standing up for Jewish rights and championing feminism. She is also unabashedly pro-Israel, showing that sometimes, the pen (or keyboard) is mightier than the sword.

Col. Richard Kemp (@COLRICHARDKEMP)

Col. Richard Kemp is a former commander of British forces in Afghanistan who has spoken out before the U.N. Human Rights Council numerous times in support of the Israel Defense Forces. Just as he was fearless on the battlefield, he is fearless standing up for Israel in person and online.

Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas)

Author, speechwriter, political adviser and public speaker—few can match Aviva Klompas for her wit, eloquence or ability to make the case for Israel. In fact, she even wrote a book about it, Speaking for Israel, about her time at the United Nations. She also happens to be the “Queen of Memes.”

Dave Lange (@Israellycool)

Dave Lange runs the hugely popular “Israellycool” blog, where he doesn’t hold back in taking Israel-haters to task, while often being first to break stories on anti-Semitism and BDS long before the mainstream media.

Adam Levick (@adamlevick)

Adam Levick is co-editor of CAMERA UK, where he leads the organization’s efforts in monitoring and combating media bias against Israel, especially in the British press. Thanks to his efforts, scores of articles have had to issue corrections and alter methods of their reporting.

Mark Levin (@marklevinshow)

Mark Levin is a prominent conservative commentator, best-selling author and radio personality in the United States with his nationally syndicated program drawing more than a million viewers. He is also an unabashed supporter of Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Jewish people.

Dov Lipman (@DovLipman)

Dov Lipman is a former Knesset member, a writer and one of the most prominent voices in the pro-Israel community. Whether it is speaking to students, Jewish groups or Christian allies, Lipman is eloquent, passionate and proudly Zionist.

Avi Mayer (@AviMayer)

A respected pro-Israel advocate, Avi Mayer currently serves as managing director of global communications at the American Jewish Committee. He is also a former spokesperson for the Jewish Agency and a passionate champion of Diaspora Jewry.

Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig)

Proudly pro-Israel, a proud champion for the rights of Mizrachi Jews and a proud LGBTQ activist, whatever hat he wears, Hen Mazzig is definitely proudly Zionist.

Adam Milstein (@AdamMilstein)

Adam Milstein is a leading Israeli-American philanthropist who uses a wide range of his philanthropic initiatives through the Adam & Gila Milstein Foundation to combat anti-Semitism and BDS, while standing up for Israel and championing the Jewish state’s alliance with the United States.

Conrad Myrland (@miffno)

As CEO of Norway-based “Med Israel for fred” (MIFF), Conrad Myrland heads up one of Europe’s largest pro-Israel groups and is at the forefront of supporting the Jewish state and fighting anti-Semitism across Scandinavia.

Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer)

Hillel Neuer of UN Watch is a man who makes tyrants and dictators nervous every time he comes up to the microphone at the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva, holding the world body to account and fearlessly standing up for the State of Israel, while also championing the oppressed.

Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A)

Arsen Ostrovsky is a leading pro-Israel voice online with a regular monthly Twitter reach of more than 8 million users. Earlier this year at the Knesset, he single-handedly took Twitter to task for continuing to give a platform to Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Liora Rez (@StopAntisemites)

As the executive director of StopAntisemitism.org, Liora Rez is a global leader in the fight against online anti-Semitism, ensuring that anti-Semites are exposed and held accountable for their bigoted actions.

Josh Reinstein (@ReinsteinJosh)

As head of Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and the Israel Allies Foundation, Josh Reinstein has revolutionized faith-based diplomacy, harnessing Christian support of Israel with lawmakers in the United States and around the world.

Sacha Stawski (@SachaStawski)

Sacha Stawski is one of the top and most respected Jewish and pro-Israel leaders in Germany, who has founded and leads a number of organizations, including “Honestly Concerned,” “I Like Israel” and “German Israel Congress,” which focus on combating anti-Semitism and advocating for Israel.

Vijeta Uniyal (@iUniyal)

A renowned expert on Israel-India relations, Vijeta Uniyal is also the founder of “Indians 4 Israel,” the leading Indian pro-Israel group online.

Bari Weiss (@bariweiss)

Bari Weiss is one of the most influential writers today, where until recently, she was an editor at The New York Times, where she often provided a powerful voice against anti-Semitism and in support of Israel, until she decided to resign, citing among other things, bullying and anti-Semitism by colleagues at the paper.

Einat Wilf (@EinatWilf)

Proud Zionist, feminist and atheist, Einat Wilf is a former Knesset member and accomplished author, who today has become one of the most eloquent and effective progressive voices for Israel on the global stage. 


One of the most intriguing stories of the sudden Coronavirus crisis is the role of the internet. With individuals forced into home quarantine, most are turning further online for information, education and social interaction.

JNS’s influence and readership are growing exponentially, and our positioning sets us apart. Most Jewish media are advocating increasingly biased progressive political and social agendas. JNS is providing more and more readers with a welcome alternative and an ideological home.

During this crisis, JNS continues working overtime. We are being relied upon to tell the story of this crisis as it affects Israel and the global Jewish community, and explain the extraordinary political developments taking place in parallel.

Our ability to thrive in 2020 and beyond depends on the generosity of committed readers and supporters. Monthly donations in particular go a long way in helping us sustain our operations. We greatly appreciate any contributions you can make during these challenging times. We thank you for your ongoing support and wish you blessings for good health and peace of mind.


Assassination of senior Al-Qaeda leader is clear message to Iran

As it mulls its nuclear options, Tehran now understands it is once again penetrated and in the crosshairs of the Israelis and Americans.
Yoav Limor

 One key question surrounding the assassination of senior Al-Qaeda leader Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah still remains: Why was the incident divulged only now?

There’s no doubt that the New York Times story was intentionally leaked. The report is replete with accurate details, meant to negate Iran’s and Al-Qaeda’s denials in advance. Whoever relayed the information wanted not only to shed light on an assassination carried out in the shadows but to send a message that would reverberate throughout the entire Middle East.

This message was meant for numerous entities. For Al-Qaeda, of course, which lost yet another senior leader, and on the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist bombings of the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, which he helped plan. It was meant for Iran, which was exposed as harboring a leader of an organization that is supposed to be its bitter ideological and religious enemy. And it also sent the message to all other extremist actors in the region that the United States and Israel, regardless of their coronavirus and domestic political problems, will continue working together in the war on terror.

According to foreign reports, this level of cooperation between the two countries is not unusual and has been evidenced many times in the past. The relationship between the Mossad and IDF Military Intelligence Directorate and their American counterparts is a deep one. It entails the sharing of intelligence information, and for the past 15 years, operational intelligence as well. Two of the most prominent examples are thought to have been “Operation Olympic Games,” in which the Stuxnet computer worm disrupted Iran’s uranium enrichment efforts for many months, and the assassination of former Hezbollah military leader Imad Mughniyeh in Damascus in 2008.

This type of cooperation, it appears, can be attributed to Abdullah’s case as well. It seems the Americans provided the intelligence and the Mossad carried out the operation, possibly indicating the Americans lack sufficient operational infrastructure in Iran. Even the U.S. assassination of Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani in January was carried out in Iraq.

The Mossad, on the other hand, has proven over the past decade (based on foreign reports) to possess impressive operational capabilities on Iranian soil—from the assassination of several Iranian nuclear scientists to the explosion that rocked the centrifuge facility in Natanz last June. In all these cases, the Mossad was said to have employed the services of others. This is a customary mode of operation in the world of espionage, which the Mossad likely practices as well in order to protect its agents as much as possible.

Yet still, the Mossad’s involvement in Abdullah’s assassination shouldn’t be seen as a given. While Abdullah—whose alias was Abu Mohammed al-Masri—did plan attacks against Israeli targets in Kenya in 2002, Israel’s declared policy is that assassinations are only a means for preventing future attacks, not exacting vengeance. Although Israeli officials have claimed Abdullah was busy planning attacks on Israeli and Jewish targets across the globe, it isn’t very likely considering the fact that Al-Qaeda—which for years now has struggled to carry out high-profile attacks—is focusing its efforts on fighting the Americans and moderate Sunni regimes in the region, not Israel.

It’s more reasonable to assume that Israel lent a hand to its most important ally (despite concerns that doing so would make it a target of Al-Qaeda). There is clear operational value in this, but also considerable deterrence value. Toward Al-Qaeda, obviously, but mainly toward Iran, which understands it is again penetrated and is under the crosshairs of the Israelis and Americans. This message should not be underestimated: Iran is mulling its nuclear options and must know this comes with zero tolerance.

Regardless, Iran isn’t likely to alter course. The clear takeaway is that the Middle East is largely motivated by interests, rather than ideology. Iran, which is fighting Al-Qaeda in Iraq and Syria, was hosting one of the organization’s most senior figures because he served its interest by fighting the Americans in Afghanistan.

Al-Qaeda, too, won’t alter course. Al-Masri is not the organization’s first senior member to be assassinated, and won’t be the last. In recent years, his symbolic importance outweighed his operational importance, and he belonged to the gradually vanishing founding generation. A new and younger operational leadership has sprouted in its place, operating under the patronage of the organization’s leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, whose health and whereabouts are in question. It’s safe to assume that officials in Washington (and perhaps in Jerusalem as well) would be glad to add his name to al-Masri’s as soon as possible.

Yoav Limor is a veteran Israeli journalist and columnist for Israel Hayom.

This article first appeared in Israel Hayom.


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