A message has started to appear in many people’s emails, a message – sometimes in Yiddish with Latin letters, sometimes in a “tszebrojene Yiddish” with Yiddish letters a message inviting the reader to share a profit of 5.5 million dollars that “They fell from the sky” to the sender so he, to earn “points” and for his immense kindness, wants to share it with the reader at 50%.

Obviously, before finishing the email, the sender asks for the number of an account to which he can send the promised money, which is made from his account data and through a process known as Phishing of additional information stored on his computer that could give you access to your bank accounts.

In short, if you receive an invitation to share money – no more because – and even if this invitation comes in Yiddish, ignore it and enjoy the fact that friends from outside already consider Yiddish widespread enough in the networks to be worth it. worth the effort of putting together an online fraud in this language.


  1. tayere khaveyrim,
    haynt bakumen a mistpost [SPAM] fun eynem vos vil zikh teyln mit mir mit 5.5 milyon dolar 🙂

    ikh fleg oft bakumen (un bakum vayter) azelkhe briv oyf english.
    agev, oft mit a sakh felern …

    in di letste yorn, oykh in hebreish (mit a sakh felern – mistome durkh Google translate) – mitn yidishn alefbeys.

    ober haynt – take bakumen in a tsebrokhenem yidish mitn yidishn alefbeys! (mistome oykh durkh Google translate).

    ikh veys nit tsi lakhn, tsi veynen …

    hit zikh khevre: nit alts vos iz oyf yidish iz kosher 🙂

    nu, abi gezunt.

    bay der gelegnheyt vil ikh aykh alemen vintshn a gutn (un a besern) gebentshtn nayem yor.
    zayt ale gezunt un shtark un sheferish,

    a gmar ksive un khsime toyvo.


  2. איכ׳ל פּאַראַפֿראַזירן גאָלדע מאיר און צוגעבן: אַז ס׳איז דאָ בליצמיסט אויף מאַמע-לשון, איז דאָס ייִדיש שוין אַ לשון מיט אַלע אַנדערע לשונות גלײַך.
    האָט מיר אַלע אַ גוט געזונט יאַר,

    שנה טובה!


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  1. tayere khaveyrim,
    haynt bakumen a mistpost [SPAM] fun eynem vos vil zikh teyln mit mir mit 5.5 milyon dolar 🙂

    ikh fleg oft bakumen (un bakum vayter) azelkhe briv oyf english.
    agev, oft mit a sakh felern …

    in di letste yorn, oykh in hebreish (mit a sakh felern – mistome durkh Google translate) – mitn yidishn alefbeys.

    ober haynt – take bakumen in a tsebrokhenem yidish mitn yidishn alefbeys! (mistome oykh durkh Google translate).

    ikh veys nit tsi lakhn, tsi veynen …

    hit zikh khevre: nit alts vos iz oyf yidish iz kosher 🙂

    nu, abi gezunt.

    bay der gelegnheyt vil ikh aykh alemen vintshn a gutn (un a besern) gebentshtn nayem yor.
    zayt ale gezunt un shtark un sheferish,

    a gmar ksive un khsime toyvo.


  2. איכ׳ל פּאַראַפֿראַזירן גאָלדע מאיר און צוגעבן: אַז ס׳איז דאָ בליצמיסט אויף מאַמע-לשון, איז דאָס ייִדיש שוין אַ לשון מיט אַלע אַנדערע לשונות גלײַך.
    האָט מיר אַלע אַ גוט געזונט יאַר,

    שנה טובה!


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