The groundbreaking online dictionary you have been “sitting on shpilkes” for has finally arrived!
The League for Yiddish is thrilled to bring you the “Comprehensive ONLINE English-Yiddish Dictionary”, Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath & Paul Glasser, co-editors-in-chief based on the lexical research of Mordkhe Schaechter.
For a monthly or annual subscription, you can have at your fingertips a wealth of Yiddish words and expressions – from the fields of science, technology, sports, medicine, cooking, the arts, …. –
and, of course, all the words we need for our day-to-day communication in Yiddish.
Comprehensive and searchable both from English to Yiddish and Yiddish to English. Truly a unique dictionary for the ages!
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Don’t start your new year without this treasure-trove of Yiddish language.
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