Tag: Catholic Church
Papal infallibility? Not when it comes to the Middle East
The words of the prophet Isaiah that Pope Francis cited on Sunday during his speech in the Italian port city of Bari are especially beautiful to those who read them from Jerusalem, because here...
Catholic Church symbolism again becomes an issue near death grounds of Auschwitz
The protest outside the church at Birkenau during last month’s commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp should not have come as a surprise.
The presence of Christian symbols...
Belgian BDS activist to be awarded prize at Holocaust memorial
Belgian Catholic NGO Pax Christi Vlaanderen (Flanders) will award its “ambassador for peace” prize to Brigitte Herremans, a leading anti-Israel activist and former employee of the BDS-supporting organization Broederlijk Delen, on Dec. 12. The...
Bolstering relations between Catholics and Jews through firsthand experiences
The history of the Catholic Church and Jewish people is one marked by centuries of persecution and anti-Semitism. With Nostra Aetate in 1965, the Vatican changed its relationship with the Jewish people, including beginning historic visits...
Polish, Catholic and Jewish leaders denounce anti-Semitic effigy on Good Friday
Leaders from the Polish, Catholic and Jewish communities have denounced an anti-Semitic ritual on Good Friday in the small southeastern Polish town of Pruchnik, where residents hanged, burned and beaten a dummy of the...
Pope Francis announces Vatican will open Holocaust-era archives
Pope Francis announced on Monday that the Vatican archive surrounding the Holocaust when Pope Pius XII, who has been criticized for doing little to save Jews and for being silent during the atrocities, led the Catholic...
Israeli president slams Hamas in Vatican meeting with Pope Francis
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin condemned Hamas on an official visit to the Vatican and Rome on Thursday.
In a private meeting with Pope Francis at the Apostolic Palace, Rivlin said, “Hamas has repeatedly led to...
Warsaw church named ‘House of Life’ for helping Jews
A ceremony to unveil a commemorative plaque in the church on Wednesday was attended by representatives of the government and Jewish organizations, Catholic Church leaders, the diplomatic corps, and the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation.