Tag: Earth Day
KKL-JNF, Ant Group partner for research in sustainability, green development
Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF), one of the oldest green organizations in the world, and Ant Group, an innovative technology company, announced a scientific and technological partnership to develop innovative solutions for forestation...
On Earth Day, delving into Israel’s ‘overlooked’ sea
Much of the public attention surrounding Israel, both within the country and internationally, focuses on the land. Yet the sea plays a significant and unsung role in the development of the state, according to...
Verter fun der Vokh – Earth Day
דער יע֜רלעכער טאָג פֿון דער ערד העלפֿט שטאַרקן די ווי֜סיקייט פֿון סבֿיבֿה־ענינים, און איז שוין דערמי֜ט געוואָ֜רן אַ פּאָפּולע֜רע צײַט אַז דער בריי֜טער עולם זאָל זיך צונוי֜פֿזאַמלען און אוי֜פֿהייבן דאָס מיסט, פֿאַרזע֜צן ביי֜מער אָדער...
Can a magnificent art museum help save the dying Dead Sea?
When 1,200 Israelis posed nude at the Dead Sea for American art photographer Spencer Tunick in 2011, project initiator Ari Leon Fruchter hoped the eye-popping images would start a wave of activism to save the unique saltwater...