Tag: Facebook
‘Anti-Semitism has no place on Facebook’: ADL says in letter to Oversight Board
The Anti-Defamation League has called on Facebook’s Oversight Board to overturn the social-media platform’s decision to leave content online that the Jewish group said “promote anti-Semitism in clear contravention of the company’s community standards”...
Facebook disables PA-linked accounts ‘used for spying’
Facebook announced on Wednesday that it had disabled accounts it said were being used by the Palestinian Authority’s Preventative Security Service (PSS), its internal intelligence organization, to spy on political opponents, journalists and human-rights...
February 4, 2004: Facebook shows its face
Facebook was launched from a Harvard dormitory room by Mark Zuckerberg, then 19 years old, and three classmates on this date in 2004. By summer they had an investor, Peter Thiel, the co-founder of...
To battle Holocaust denial, Facebook announces tool to connect users with facts
In an effort to contend with Holocaust denial on its platform, Facebook announced on Wednesday—International Holocaust Remembrance Day—that it will begin to connect users to a site with facts about the 20th-century atrocity that...
Facebook uncovers Iranian operation supporting anti-Netanyahu protests in Israel
Facebook announced on Thursday that it has removed a network of Facebook and Instagram accounts linked to Iran that sought to promote and support protests in Israel against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
In its “October 2020...
Can France’s courts learn from Facebook in the fight against anti-Semitism?
Who is more effective in the fight against resurgent anti-Semitism: Facebook or the French judiciary?
I’m asking this particular question because of two separate developments over the last week that, when taken together, suggest that...
Ban Holocaust denial? Yes. Political censorship? No.
The applause was nearly universal. After a determined campaign on the part of the Anti-Defamation League and a broad coalition of Jewish groups and other organizations, Facebook has agreed to ban posts that contain Holocaust denial...
Facebook bans posts denying and distorting the Holocaust
Facebook announced on Monday that it is banning posts that deny or distort the Holocaust.
In a post on the social-media site, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said his company is “updating our hate-speech policy to...
More Than 16,500 Tune into Weekly Movie Series about Heroism of Rescuers During the...
More than 16,500 people tuned into The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous’ (JFR) weekly summer movie series on Facebook. The Foundation aired one of its award-winning documentaries highlighting the Righteous Gentiles who saved Jews...
Report: Facebook doesn’t ‘recognize Holocaust denial’ as anti-Jewish hate speech
Facebook, according to an Aug. 10 report, “actively promotes further Holocaust-denial content to that user” and “has been unwilling to recognize Holocaust denial as a form of hate speech against Jews.”
“Hosting the Holohoax: A Snapshot...