Tag: Hurricane Florence
Federations providing hurricane relief
South Florida Jewish federations are providing immediate assistance to the people of North and South Carolina affected by Hurricane Florence and widespread flooding through a hurricane relief fund.
All contributions will be directed through the Jewish Federations...
Airlifting in kosher food and holding Yom Kippur services in submerged Wilmington, N.C.
As the 25-hour Yom Kippur fast approaches, Wilmington’s Jews are unsure whether they will have sufficient kosher food before the fast begins. Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis and volunteers throughout North Carolina are exploring every possible avenue to assist them, including...
Chabad poised to help as more than 1 million flee Florence
For the last 11 years, the Lieblich family of Wilmington, N.C., have always held Rosh Hashanah services on both days of the holiday.
This year, for the first time ever, they did not have a minyan for the second...