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Tag: Israel Police

Palestinians kill elderly Israeli driver in Samaria

Security forces are investigating a reported attack in which a man was mortally wounded near the Palestinian city of Qalqilya in Samaria, the Israel Police said on Thursday. According to the police, first responders “received a...

Israeli forces arrest man who planned to join ISIS in Somalia

Israeli security forces recently arrested a resident of the country’s north on suspicion of preparing to join ISIS in Somalia, the Israel Police revealed on Monday. The suspect, who was identified as a 17-and-a-half-year-old male...

Elite Israel Police officer dies of wounds sustained during Samaria raid

An Israeli Border Police officer wounded in Saturday night’s counterterror raid near the Samaria city of Tulkarem succumbed to his wounds on Wednesday. Chief Inspector Yatev Lev Halevi, an officer from the Yamam National Counter-Terrorism...

Palestinian arrested in Israeli youth’s terror murder

Israeli security forces arrested a Palestinian suspect in the April 12 terrorist murder of 14-year-old shepherd Binyamin Achimeir following an overnight raid in the Binyamin region of Samaria. “Overnight, in a joint operation of the Shin Bet,...

VR project features five survivors of Oct. 7 Hamas massacre

“It all started after I joined the fight on October 7 against Hamas terrorists invading the Israeli communities bordering the Gaza Strip,” says Nimrod Palmach, CEO of Israel-is, which partners with producer Stephen D....

Israel Police urges armed guard in every synagogue on Purim

At least one armed guard should be present in every synagogue in Israel during Sunday and Monday’s Purim holiday, as the terror threat across the country remains high amid the ongoing war with Hamas, Deputy...

PM must act, says Ben-Gvir, accusing AG of double standard

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must tell Israel’s attorney general to cease acting in a partisan manner, including in her efforts to interfere with the appointment of senior police officials, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Judea and Samaria leaders, Nov. 8, 2023. Photo by Kobi Gideon/GPO.

IDF confirms Jewish nationalistic crime in Judea and Samaria drops drastically

There was a significant decline in "nationalistic incidents" perpetrated by Israelis in Judea and Samaria during the second month of the current Gaza war, figures gathered by the police and the IDF indicate. According to police data,...
A PLO flag hangs in Jerusalem's Mea Shearim neighborhood. Credit: Israel Police.

Jerusalem police remove vandalism supporting Hamas massacre

Police and Border Police officers on Wednesday morning located and removed graffiti in Israel's capital supporting the Hamas massacre of Oct. 7. Officers were confronted when operating in the ultra-Orthodox Mea Shearim neighborhood, with rioters...
Jewish men watch an entrance to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City as police officers stand guard, April 19, 2022. Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90.

Five arrested in Jerusalem for allegedly spitting on Christians

Israeli police on Wednesday arrested five haredi Jews on assault charges after they allegedly spat at Christians in Jerusalem's Old City. The ultra-Orthodox suspects, including one minor, were reportedly walking through the holy city's Muslim Quarter when...