Tag: Israel Resource Review
The Shadow of their smile: Home demolitions of terrorists only act as an incentive...
Incentives for terror include having your house rebuilt after its demolition. Best real estate deal in the Middle East.
Imagine the scene. A teenager wakes up in a crowded family home in Halhoul, near Hebron....
UNRWA & NSC Response to Comprehensive Study of PA/UNRWA textbooks.
With the launch of the new school year in the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA education system, it pains me to report that US funds flow to these schools, without constraints to UNRWA/ PA schools...
Open Letter to David Stern, President, CCAR
24 Heshvan, 5718,
13 November 2017
David Stern, President
Central Conference of American Rabbis
355 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY, 10017, U. S. A.
Dear Sir:
I read your speech to the CCAR convention in the Summer 2017 issue of the...
Galvanize People to Appeal to the Israeli government uphold basic moral law
Senior Israeli government minister, Yariv Levin, has proposed that the Israeli cabinet adopt a decision, which would become a precedent, not to enforce the decision of the court to destroy 17 homes in Nativ...
Princeton Hillel Rabbi Barred Israeli and Arab Speakers for Being Too Pro Israel..
This week, Princeton Hillel Rabbi Julie Roth barred Israel Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely from addressing Princeton Hillel.
This is in keeping with Rabbi Roth’s allergy to pro Israel speakers.
Eight years ago, in my...
“Fact check” writers of the Jerusalem Post
Volunteers sought to “fact-check” writers of the Jerusalem Post.
A report on your selected writer will be issued each Thursday, and submitted to the editor, publisher and owner of the JPOST and published at www.IsraelBehindTheNews.com
UNRWA- A UN Agency Encourages Children to Engage in Acts of War
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which serves Palestinian Arabs who were refugees from the 1948 war, along with their descendants, is responsible for the education of about 25% of Palestinian Arab ...
What goes on beneath the surface of UNRWA facilities is not the problem
UNRWA does indeed condemn Hamas activity underneath UNRWA schools.
Yet UNRWA says nothing about Hamas activity inside the UNRWA schools.
Hamas, defined as a terror group by the US, the UN, the EU, the UK, Canada...
Time for “Rabbis for Human Rights” to dowse the flames which criminalize Jews for...
For at least 17 years, a man later fired by the “Rabbis for Human Rights” criss-crossed the planet, spreading the false notion that it is illegal and even criminal for Jews to purchase land...
Well Intentioned UNRWA Policy Changes Suggested by Former US Ambassador to the UN Cannot...
Since a primary subject that our office covers is UNRWA, allow me to say that the following article is well intentioned yet misleading.
No changes can be made in UNRWA without the approval of the...