Tag: Middle East
Los djudyos del Yemen
Keridos amigos,
Mi emisyon de amanyana djueves va ser sovre los djudyos del Yemen (primera parte, del tyempo ande biviyan en el Yemen). Munchos djudyos no saven ke uvo un tyempo, antes de los muzulmanos,...
The next war in the Middle East
Any probing discussion and analysis of the strategic and political situation in the Middle East must take the actions and pronouncements of the following actors into consideration: first and foremost Russia, next the position...
Mosul is liberated—But not yet free
There are joyous liberations. Of Paris in 1944, for example—a liberation insurrectionary and exultant. And then there are leaden liberations: Warsaw’s in 1944; Berlin’s in 1945; and, more recently, Sarajevo’s.
The liberation of Mosul obviously...
Israel to strip ISIS fighters of citizenship
"I asked that the citizenship of 20 such Israelis be revoked," he told Israeli Army Radio.
The Shin Bet security service has in the past estimated that several dozen Israeli nationals had been fighting for...
Turkey increasing cooperation with Iran
Turkish and Iranian military leaders held talks on Wednesday over cooperation in the Syrian conflict and counter-terrorism, officials said, during a rare visit to NATO-member Turkey by the Islamic Republic's military chief of staff.
Hamas leader promises to ‘pummel Israel’ if conflict arises
Six months after taking over as Hamas leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar sent a threatening message to Israel during a press briefing on Tuesday, saying that while Hamas is not looking to start a...
Growing threats in Syria causing concern for Israel
Israelis still remember the trauma of the 1973 Yom Kippur War when Egyptian and Syrian armies surprised the Jewish state on its holiest day with a jointly coordinated military attack.
For a day or two,...
Israel-India diplomatic relations celebrated
American Jews and Indian Americans from South Florida recently joined together to celebrate the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Israel and India at the Colonnade Hotel in Coral Gables.
This reception marking the 25th...
History at risk: 20,000 archaeological sites threatened by conflict
From the ancient cities of Petra and Jericho to historic religious temples, thousands of archaeological sites in the Middle East and North Africa are severely at risk, according to a new online public database.
Trump’s titanic foreign-policy shift
(The Washington Post) - This newspaper’s legendary former publisher, Philip Graham, famously described journalism as the business of writing the “first rough draft of history.” This week, as President Donald Trump gave a historic...