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A docked ship in Eilat, April 12, 2018. Photo by Menachem Lederman/Flash90.

Israel’s Environmental Protection Ministry delays UAE pipeline deal

Israel’s Environmental Protection Ministry froze an oil pipeline proposal with the United Arab Emirates on Sunday, pending further review. Israeli Environmental Protection Minister Tamar Zandberg said she would push for a government debate regarding the...

Iran opens first oil terminal in Gulf of Oman, avoiding Strait of Hormuz

Iran opened its first oil terminal in the Gulf of Oman, avoiding the Strait of Hormuz—a flashpoint for tensions with the United States, Israel and other countries—Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced in a speech...
Flags of the United States, Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

US suspends Abraham Fund; UAE urges Israel not to cancel pipeline

The Biden administration has suspended the Abraham Fund, which was established with the signing of the Abraham Accords in the fall of 2020, U.S. and Israeli sources told the business daily Globes. The purpose of the...
Illustrative: A view of an oil tanker on fire in the Middle East. Credit: ImageBank4u/Shutterstock.

Washington attempts to quell Israel’s shadow war with Iran at sea

Recent reports suggest that the United States is disturbed by aspects of the Israeli-Iranian shadow war that is raging across the region—in this case, at sea. It seems reasonable to conclude that Washington is...
Israelis clean tar off the Bat Yam beach following an offshore oil spill that drenched most of the Israeli coastline, March 2, 2021. Photo by Tomer Neuberg/Flash90.

Israelis rally to clean tar spill and avert future environmental crises

Why did 1,200 tons of sticky tar begin washing up on Israel’s Mediterranean beaches on Feb. 17? The answer is not yet clear. However, experts say that no matter what caused Israel’s worst environmental disaster, it should...
The “Minerva Helen” oil tanker, at the terminal of Dunkirk, France. Credit: Remi Jouan via Wikimedia Commons.

Israel rules out Greek tanker as suspect in Mediterranean oil spill

The Greek tanker Minerva Helen was not the source of the tons of toxic tar that washed up on Israel’s shores last weekend, Israel’s Environmental Protection Ministry announced on Sunday. A team led by the ministry and including representatives...
Israeli volunteers clean tar off the Gan Or beach, following an offshore oil spill. Feb. 22, 2021. Photo by Flash90.

In wake of tar spill, Israel’s Health Ministry bans sale of fish from Mediterranean

Israel’s Health Ministry on Wednesday announced a temporary ban on the sale of fish from the Mediterranean Sea, due to the massive tar spill last weekend along the country’s shores. Although so far, there is no indication...
Israelis stand around a 17-meter-long fin whale washed ashore on the Nitzanim beach near Ashkelon, Feb. 19, 2021. Photo by Yossi Aloni/Flash90.

Toxic tar spill ‘one of the worst ecological disasters in Israel’s history’

Tons of toxic tar washed ashore along Israel’s entire Mediterranean coastline over the weekend in what Israel’s Nature and Parks Authority is calling the episode “one of the most serious ecological disasters” in the...
U.S. Department of Justice headquarters. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

US files civil forfeiture actions over seized Iranian missiles

The U.S. Department of Justice announced on Thursday the filing of two complaints to forfeit two shipments of Iranian missiles that the U.S. Navy seized in transit from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)...
Iranian flag. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

US confiscates four Iranian oil tankers, cargo on way to Venezuela

The United States confiscated tankers allegedly consisting of Iranian fuel in violation of sanctions, reported The Wall Street Journal on Thursday, citing U.S. officials. U.S. federal prosecutors filed a civil forfeiture complaint to confiscate four tankers at sea—Luna, Pandi, Bering and Bella—consisting...