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Palestinian Authority falsifies concentration-camp photo as Arab victims of Jews

(April 11, 2018 / PMW) Holocaust abuse: Palestinian Authority TV misrepresented a photo of concentration-camp victims as Arabs and wrote that Jews burned Arabs in ovens. P.A. TV lie #1: P.A. TV distorted a photo of victims murdered in a...

The test of the March of Return: Violence in the West Bank

Hamas’s March of Return campaign in Gaza will count as a success for its organizers only insofar as it mobilizes mass violence in Jerusalem, Ramallah, Bethlehem, Hebron, and elsewhere in the West Bank. This...

The end of the era of Palestinian deception

For a quarter of a century, the Palestinian Authority has cynically wrapped itself inside a fig leaf dubbed as the “Peace Process.” The naked truth, however, is that it has been using every means...

Use UNRWA’s financial crisis to end its shameful apartheid system

UNRWA, the United Nations agency tasked with caring for Palestinian refugees and their descendants in perpetuity, is facing what it terms its worst financial crisis ever. “Crisis” is an exaggeration, but the agency undoubtedly...
Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas Credit: JCPA.

Palestinian Authority to pay $355 million in 2018 to terrorists and their families

The Palestinian Authority has authorized payments of $355 million to convicted terrorists and the families of terrorists as part of their 2018, according to a report. According to Palestinian Media Watch, the P.A. budget for the...

Are the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas mobilizing to take over the PLO?

Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood affiliates across the globe are playing a leading role in supporting and promoting the “Great Return March” campaign, to begin on March 30, 2018. According to Israeli TV, Hamas spent $10...

Palestinian Authority applies for entry into eight international treaties at UN

The Palestinian Authority has filed official requests this past week to join eight international treaties, including the U.N.’s International Convention against Apartheid in Sports and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty according to a report in...

UN Human Rights Council passes five resolutions against Israel

The United Nations Human Rights Council passed five anti-Israel resolutions at the end of its 37th session in Geneva, under the “Agenda Item 7,” a UNHRC mandate that a discussion of Israeli human rights...
U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. Credit: U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv

Palestinians demand that US Ambassador to Israel be put on international terror list

The Palestinian Authority demanded on Thursday that U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman be added to a “global terror list,” a ramping up of condemnation against the American diplomat just days after P.A. leader...

Abbas calls US Ambassador Friedman ‘son of a dog’

Addressing a Palestinian leadership meeting, he said Trump “views the settlements as legitimate,” adding “the ambassador, David Friedman, said they are building on their own land.” “You son of a dog, building on your...