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Tag: Private School

Manhattan prep school leader resigns after calling task force ‘power play by Jewish families’

A Manhattan private school that charges a yearly tuition of $63,400 has seen a change in leadership following overt efforts to fight antisemitism. On Monday, head of school David Lourie announced plans to step down from his...

New Haven reviews anti-Israel city staffer who protested at rabbi’s home

The nation’s third-oldest independent school, which traces its history to 1660, suspended a member of its advancement team, as the city—home to Yale University—investigates his wife for yelling anti-Israel chants through a bullhorn outside a...
The Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex, seat of the New Jersey Supreme Court. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

New Jersey Supreme Court: Religious schools have right to ‘teachers who follow their faith’

The Supreme Court of New Jersey decided on Monday in favor of a Roman Catholic elementary school, which fired an unmarried teacher who became pregnant, citing a violation of its employment agreement. Victoria Crisitello, an art teacher...
Likud Anglo Division members with Israeli Education Minister Yoav Kisch. Courtesy of Paul Wiener.

Educating the Israeli education system

Shrinking the school week, school vouchers and closing gaps in teacher training were just a few of the topics floated by a group of English-speaking Likud members during a recent meeting with Israeli Education...
British Houses of Parliament. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

British rabbis protest school bill mandating secular subjects at yeshivahs

A group of rabbis in the United Kingdom gathered outside British Parliament on Wednesday to protest a proposed school bill that is being described as “a threat to alter fundamental facets of Jewish practice.” Schools...
U.S. Supreme Court. Credit: Pixabay.

Jewish groups urge public funding for private schools ahead of Supreme Court case

Several Jewish groups have filed friend-of-the-court briefs in support of a case that could determine whether public funding could be given to parochial schools for secular education. In Carson V. Makin, parents of parochial-school students argued...

Can Jews shed their prejudice against religious schools?

In the last several weeks, Americans have been debating how best to address the question of lingering racial prejudice in society. As the country struggles to shed any remnants of the sordid legacy of...
The Supreme Court of the United States. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Supreme Court: Exclusion of religious schools from Montana’s state scholarship program is unconstitutional

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that Montana’s exclusion of religious schools, including Jewish ones, from a state scholarship program violates the U.S. Constitution. The 5-4 decision is a win for Jewish and other...
Stillwater Christian School graduates in Kalispell, Mont. Source: Facebook.

Time to end states’ bias against funding of religious schools

The majority of American Jews who identify as politically liberal and are largely secular may not think they have much in common with the parents who send their children to the Stillwater Christian School...