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Tag: Public Schools


Supreme Court decision may drain public schools

“DEFUND PUBLIC SCHOOLS!!!!!!” The U.S. Supreme Court might as well have issued such a three-word ruling to send its message allowing Montana to spend tax money on religious schools. The court struck down the state’s Blaine...
Israeli students in Jerusalem on their first day back in class since schools were shut down due to the coronavirus outbreak on May 3, 2020. Photo by Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90.

Israeli kids head back to class as schools cautiously reopen

After more than six weeks in home isolation, hundreds of thousands of Israeli children returned to school on Sunday morning, under strict COVID-19 regulations. Following heated debates last week between health officials, the Education Ministry...
Children at the Kavod Charter School in San Diego. While math, reading and writing are taught in English, much of the rest of the school day—from morning meeting to art class to physical education and even recess are conducted in Hebrew. Source: Kavod Charter School via Twitter.

Hebrew becomes hip in American schools as a boon for kids and communities

For many students, taking a second language used to mean choosing between French and Spanish, and even then not until high school. These days, however, more students have been signing up for Hebrew in...
The flag of California. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Israeli-Americans mobilizing against ‘biased’ California ethnic-studies curriculum

The Israeli-American Council (IAC) is working to mobilize the Israeli-American community across California to oppose the inclusion of anti-Semitic content in any ethnic-studies curriculum, which is currently under consideration for the California public school...