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Tag: Resistance

Defying the Holocaust didn’t just mean uprising and revolt: Remembering Jews’ everyday resistance

Richard Glazar insisted that no one survived the Holocaust without help. To this Prague-born Jewish survivor, who endured Nazi imprisonment at Treblinka and Theresienstadt, plus years in hiding, it was impossible to persevere without others’...

March 25, 1943: More than 6,200 Dutch physicians, 97 percent of the country’s doctors,...

More than 6,200 Dutch physicians, 97 percent of the country’s doctors, went on strike against the Nazi-created Chamber of Physicians on this date in 1943. Mandatory registration with this newly formed guild would have...

January 22, 1943: The Warsaw Ghetto Underground

The Jewish Fighting Organization of Warsaw (ZOB) issued the following proclamation about this date in 1943, following its first act of armed resistance (January 18th): “On January 22 1943, six months will have elapsed since...

October 25, 1941: Jewish resistance to the einsatzcommandos

Amid mass-murder by the roving Nazi Einsatzcommandos and a hostile peasantry, Jews in Tatarsk and Starodub, between Kiev and Moscow, rebelled on this date in 1941. The Einsatzcommando B report no. 124 observed that “Jews had...

October 17th, 1943: Sabotage Amid Holocaust

A Jewish partisan group led by Abba Kovner blew up two bridges and two train engines in the Vilna region on this date in 1943. “Jews formed armed resistance groups only after they realized there was...

September 25th, 1942: Uncle Misha’s Partisans

Anticipating the liquidation of their ghetto in Korets, Ukraine, which had already suffered the execution of 2,000, sixteen Jews led by Moshe Gildenman and his son Simkha escaped to the woods on this date...

July 17, 1921: Hannah Szenes, a member of the Jewish resistance against Nazism, was...

Hannah Senesh (originally Szenes) was a paratrooper trained to rescue Jews during the Holocaust. Captured and killed by the Nazi's, she is still a national heroine in Israel. Through her brief but noteworthy life, Senesh...

In Varshever Ghetto is haynt joidesh nisn, by Binem Heller

In Varshever Ghetto is haynt joidesh nisn, escrito por Binem Heller, declamado por Hadassa Kestin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoGmHz5U70E Listen: Programs on Yiddish literature and culture recorded at Montreal's Jewish Public Library, 1953-2005, click here. Binem Heller Binem Heller was a...

“Zog Nit Keynmol,” performed by The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus

Zog Nit Keynmol Az du Gueist Dem Letztn Veg… Never say that you are walking on your last road… With these words starts the song written by Hirsh Glick in the Vilna Forest for the Partisans. With time, the...

September 17, 1944: Rita Rosani, Partisan Fighter, was killed fighting German soldiers

Rita Rosani, a 24-year-old teacher in a Jewish school in Trieste, Italy, was killed fighting German soldiers on this date in 1944, after surviving several military engagements in the Verona area. She hailed from...