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UNRWA- A UN Agency Encourages Children to Engage in Acts of War

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which serves Palestinian Arabs  who were  refugees from the 1948 war, along with their descendants,  is responsible for the education of about 25% of Palestinian Arab ...

Well Intentioned UNRWA Policy Changes Suggested by Former US Ambassador to the UN Cannot...

Since a primary subject that our office covers is UNRWA, allow me to say that the following article is well intentioned yet misleading. ​No changes can be made in UNRWA without the approval of the...

National Security Council (NSC) issues statement on UNRWA. We offer to brief the NSC

The White House National Security Council spokesman issued the following statement about UNRWA “The United States has supported the work of UNRWA and has been among its leading donors, having provided over $359 million in...

UNRWA education discussed a​nd distorted a​t the UN

Oct. 12, 2017, UNESCO and UNRWA officials ​convened ​a panel on the topic of  “UNRWA education​”​. https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/videos/unrwa-and-unesco-discuss-education-refugee-children-european-parliament ​Moderator asked: What values does UNRWA teach? The answer: UNRWA teaches “human rights”; term. Some insight as to what is they...

Don’t believe what your UNRWA Spokesperson tells you

The Center for Near East Policy Research has  concluded  a research project of all PA textbooks used in UNRWA Schools.(1)  The report , authored by Dr. Arnon Groiss and  Dr. Ronni Shaked , published...

New UNRWA film that we first screened on Sept 27 at office of...

” From UNRWA to Al Aqsa” ​earlier UNRWA films: ​ http://tinyurl.com/lxc6xvs ​This was screened as our senior investigative staff presented our comprehensive translations of all PA school books used in UNRWA schools, along with our recent UNRWA investigations. Full text: our study of...

Hamas continues to operate freely in UNRWA schools in GAZA

Canada continues funding for UNRWA Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, announced on August 24, 2017 Canada’s continued support of up to $25 million to “Palestinian refugees” via the United Nations Relief...

UNRWA Reader

UNRWA as Obstacle to Peace Ending UNRWA and Advancing Peace Israel Not Invited to U.N. Conference on Refugees – June 13, 2004 The Mystery of the Palestinian ‘Refugee’ Monument – July 3, 2012 Ten Talking Points: How to...

How can UNRWA, with $1.2 billion allocated  from 68 donor nations,  be on the...

UNRWA receives $1.2 billion in allocations from 68 nations along with NGO’s. Here are the allocation stats to UNRWA: http://jewishwebsite.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/donor_ranking_with_un_agencies_overall.pdf UNRWA claims financial disaster? https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20170913-unrwa-will-have-no-money-by-the-end-of-this-month-official-says/ How can this be? Is this because UNRWA needs  to adopt a system of transparency...

Don’t Dismantle UNRWA; Reform Its Policies

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The desire of Prime Minister Netanyahu to dismantle UNRWA, while understandable in light of the agency’s egregious history of collusion with Hamas, is not a practical proposition. Israel can, however, demand that...