According to Jordanian Islamic scholar Ahmad al-Shahrouri, people in the West “lack purity and cleanliness” and suffer from diseases because they do not wash their behinds with water after using the restroom like Muslims do.

“They have currently run out of toilet paper in their markets because they do not use water,” al-Shahrouri told Jordan’s Yarmouk TV on March 29, adding, “They are plagued by these diseases, these microbes and these viruses because they do not clean their filth enough.”

France, he said, produces luxurious perfumes to mask Westerners’ stench, “because they do not use water.”

Recalling a time when his “head almost exploded” from the stench of two Westerners he sat between on a plane, al-Shahrouri said: “Oh Muslim, you should praise Allah for making you perform ablution.”


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