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Home Authors Posts by Louis René Beres

Louis René Beres

Louis René Beres

Louis René Beres was educated at Princeton (Ph.D., 1971), and is the author of many books, monographs, and scholarly articles dealing with various legal and military aspects of  nuclear strategy. In Israel, he was Chair of Project Daniel (PM Sharon, 2003). Over the past years, he has published extensively on nuclear warfare issues in the Harvard National Security Journal (Harvard Law School); Yale Global Online (Yale University); JURIST; Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists; International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence; Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs; The Atlantic; The Washington Times; US News & World Report; Special Warfare (Pentagon); Parameters: Journal of the US Army War College (Pentagon); The New York Times; The Hill; The Jerusalem Post; and Oxford University Press. His twelfth book,  published in 2016 by Rowman & Littlefield, is titled: Surviving Amid Chaos: Israel’s Nuclear Strategy.


A Balanced Vision: Human Singularity, International Law, and American Survival

Professor Louis Rene Beres l Purdue University The author, Professor Emeritus of International Law at Purdue University, argues that to secure a just and survivable global order, the world must transition from competitive nationalism to...

War With Iran: Israel’s Legal Obligation to Prevent Iranian Nuclear Weapons

THE BEGIN-SADAT CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES, BAR-ILAN UNIVERSITY Mideast Security and Policy Studies No. 206 War With Iran: Israel’s Legal Obligation to Prevent Iranian Nuclear Weapons Louis René Beres For the most part, Israel’s no-choice Gaza War has...

‘Necessary sacrifices’ – Hamas leader’s harsh decree, but only for others

“The death fear of the ego is lessened by the killing, the Sacrifice, of other; through the death of the other, one buys oneself free from the penalty of dying….” Otto Rank, Will Therapy...

‘Before the Storm’ -For Israel, existential benefits of a time-advantaged war with Iran

Edited by: Ingrid Burke Friedman | JURIST Editorial Director The author, professor emeritus of international law at Purdue University, argues that ironic though it may sound, a managed conflict with a pre-nuclear Iran may be Israel's...

Institutionalizing criminal defilement: True meanings of Palestinian statehood

Louis René Beres (Ph.D., Princeton, 1971) Emeritus Professor of International Law Purdue University lberes@purdue.edu "...the Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to realize the promise of Allah, no matter how long it takes. The Prophet, Allah's prayer and peace...

Overlooked synergies: Iranian nuclear weapons and a Palestinian State

Louis René Beres (Ph.D., Princeton, 1971) Emeritus Professor of International Law Purdue University lberes@purdue.edu           Though generally examined as unrelated perils, Iran’s nuclear weapons program and Palestinian statehood represent more than separate threats to Israel. Considered together, these threats,...

Israel and “Last things”

Louis René Beres (Ph.D., Princeton, 1971) Emeritus Professor of International Law Purdue University lberes@purdue.edu Examined historically, war and terror against Israel are better explained by eschatology (the study of “last things”) than by enemy hopes for “self-defense” or...

Deeper insights on Iran war and jihadist terror

Louis René Beres (Ph.D., Princeton, 1971) Emeritus Professor of International Law Purdue University lberes@purdue.edu “An immortal person is a contradiction in terms.” Emmanuel Levinas, God, Death and Time (2000)           At first glance, Iranian aggression and jihadist terrorism are about secular political goals....

When truth is counter-intuitive

Louis René Beres (Ph.D., Princeton, 1971) Emeritus Professor of International Law Purdue University lberes@purdue.edu VLADIMIR: “Well? What do we do now”? ESTRAGON: “Don’t let’s do anything. It’s safer.” Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot The “Theatrical” Background Understood as genre, there is ample good reason to...

Israel’s nuclear doctrine, ambiguity versus openness after Iran’s aggression

Louis René Beres (Ph.D., Princeton, 1971) Emeritus Professor of International Law Purdue University lberes@purdue.edu “For by Wise Counsel, Thou Shalt Make Thy War.” Proverbs 24,6   Israel's nuclear posture remains “deliberately ambiguous.” In the past, this stance appears to have been sensible,...