64.6 F
San Diego
Sunday, October 6, 2024

114 people just converted to Judaism in Nicaragua

Over the course of just a few days, the tiny Jewish community in Nicaragua more than doubled when 114 people converted to Judaism. Last month, community members answered questions before a beit din, or religious...

The day Nazis took Warsaw Ghetto jews to Treblinka extermination camp

JULY 22, 1942, dawned hot and muggy in the Warsaw Ghetto. Two years earlier the Nazis had forced the Jewish population of German-occupied Poland into an area occupying just 1.3 square miles surrounded by...

Nearing 100, he reflects on the evolution of Jewish South Jersey

AGE: 99 RESIDENCE Maple Shade FAMILY: Wife Dorothy Singer (z”l); children Irv Singer and Hope Baumholtz; 3 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren SYNAGOGUE: Cong. M’kor Shalom FAVORITE JCC ACTIVITY: Meeting people At age 99, Joe Singer is a fixture at...

JCC Maccabi Games come to Birmingham

Hundreds of student athletes from across the country descended on Birmingham Sunday for the 35th Annual JCC Maccabi Games. Despite threats of violence that shook the Jewish Community earlier in 2017, Executive Director of the...

La Sinagoga del Transito en Toledo

La sivdad de Espanya ke simboliza mas los alkanses logrados por los djudios de este paiz antes de la Ekspulsion, es seguramente Toledo, la sivdad onde los djudios gozaron de un estatuto sin komparasion...

Qu’est-ce qu’un Juif?

Cette question n’est pas aussi étrange que cela puisse paraître à première vue. Examinons cette créature libre qui a été isolée et opprimée, foulée aux pieds et poursuivie, brûlée et noyée par tous les...

Spain announces bid to preserve the Judeo-Spanish language — in Israel

Spain’s leading authority on the Spanish language is to establish a special branch in Israel that will work to preserve Djudeo Espanyol — the language of Jewish communities that once hailed from Spain before...

Curious case of Jewish camp’s disappearing apology about flying Palestinian flag

Jewish camp in Washington state apologized for causing “upset” to some after flying a Palestinian flag “as a sign of friendship and acceptance” to visiting Palestinian Muslim and Christian students. It posted the letter containing...

The real lesson of Tisha B’Av

Tisha B’Av, the fast day that commemorates the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE, comes this year at a particularly fraught moment for the Jewish people. The only surviving architectural element of the...

Have we learned the lesson of Tisha B’Av?

According the Talmud, the main reason for the destruction of the second Holy Temple was baseless hatred. As the Tosefta (additional commentaries) at the end of Tractate Menachot explain, this tragedy befell the Jewish people because...