64.6 F
San Diego
Saturday, October 5, 2024

An avant-garde patron and peer at the Jewish Museum

A feminist with a penchant for wit, whimsy, and social satire, the artist and Jazz Age saloniste Florine Stettheimer (1871–1944) has often, and unfairly, been misconstrued by critics: her playfulness misread as frivolity, her...

Do not let Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria be 21st century ghettos

These are the three words and phrases of infamy. Disengagement; Building Freeze; Land for Peace. They denote shame. They have reinstated ghastly ghetto realities which have shackled Jewish honor and pride in the reconstituted Jewish state...

Un dia luvyoso

Una Luvya fuerte kon relampagos kaye, Yo no veo ningunos kaminar en la kaye, Un derredor muy asolado,un brusko dia, Un sielo eskuro , esto sin alegria. Me mankava sus miradas,su fizionomia, Para mi era mi vida,i la alma...

Venezuela : de la rue au Parlement, un pays en proie au chaos

Chaque jour, le spectre de la guerre civile grandit dans les rues de Caracas. Alors que les manifestations hostiles au gouvernement vénézuélien ont fait 91 morts depuis le 1er avril, un nouveau cap dans la...

Raymond J. de Souza: The UN plays politics with a Jewish-Muslim shrine

Kraków is a city of immense religious importance, and on my annual visits there is always much to reflect upon and pray about. But this was the first year here that I have been...

Nazarian family donates $17 million to CSUN’s Valley Performing Arts Center

In the 1940s, many years before he fled the Iranian Revolution and became a rich man in America, Younes Nazarian was a boy from the Jewish ghetto selling and replacing light bulbs in the...

US Jewish leaders from right to left back metal detectors on Temple Mount

There is a broad consensus among American Jewish leaders in support of Israel’s use of metal detectors to intercept terrorists on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations “supports taking...

La soledad

Un motivo por un tiempo ovligo su espartision, Sinti una kalmeza kon una grande dezolasion. La kaza kedo de una kayades de semiteryo, Mis gozos se amataron, devine ombre serio. Me asenti en mi kama, komo mudo ,...

Syrie : le conflit a fait plus de 330 000 morts depuis 2011

Plus de 330 000 personnes, dont quelque 100 000 civils, ont été tuées depuis le début de la guerre en Syrie en 2011, selon un nouveau bilan fourni dimanche par l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme...

Jews working to help non-Jews, a longtime Pittsburgh tradition

Repair the World is a relative newcomer to the Pittsburgh Jewish landscape — it established a chapter here just four years ago — but its mission to aid the underserved regardless of religious affiliation...