64.6 F
San Diego
Saturday, October 5, 2024

Macron speaks out on murder of French Jewish woman

Emmanuel Macron, the French President, has called for “clarity” from the judiciary after anger from French Jews at the failure to acknowledge the murder of Sarah Halimi, a Jewish woman, as an antisemitic hate...

Los Misteryos del Rio Sambatyon

Kon la invasion por los Asirianos de Israel – el Estado ebreo del Norte – los diez Trivos ke formavan su populasion, fueron deportados a Halah i Habor, al deredor del Rio Gozan i...

Palestinian caught trying to smuggle rare, ancient coins from Gaza

Security personnel on Sunday caught a Palestinian man trying to smuggle rare coins, thought to be from the time of Alexander the Great, from the Gaza Strip into Israel, the Defense Ministry said Sunday. Officials...

The Davidson School at JTS and the HUC-JIR School of Education awarded major grant...

The William Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Education of The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS), in partnership with the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion School of Education, will launch a second Chicago-based cohort of the Jewish...

Adding depth to Holocaust classes

One of many anti-Jewish laws the Nazi regime enacted between 1933 and 1945 prohibited Jews from owning dogs, cats, and birds. So what were German Jewish families to do with their beloved pets? This question...

‘The Chief Rabbinate cannot serve only a tiny minority’

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, a leading religious Zionist rabbi and the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Hesder Amit Oron Shaul, explained to Arutz Sheva why he does not support the conversion bill which was initiated by the haredi...

In visiting Hungary, critics say, Netanyahu puts realpolitik ahead of ties with local Jews

Benjamin Netanyahu is slated to become the first Israeli prime minister to visit Hungary since the fall of the Iron Curtain 26 years ago. But next week’s three-day trip, hailed by both sides as...

Palestinian terror groups praise Temple Mount attack as ‘Heroic’

Friday’s terror attack near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where three Arab terrorists killed two Israeli police officers, was praised by the Palestinian terror groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri tweeted,...

Top journalists Eli Lake and Bari Weiss honored at Algemeiner summer benefit

The Algemeiner honored masters of journalism at its sixth annual Summer Benefit on Thursday in New York City. Bloomberg View columnist Eli Lake and New York Times opinion staff editor Bari Weissaccepted the paper’s Journalist of the Year awards, and filmmakers Matthew and Michelle Taylor were the Summer Benefit honorees. More than 300...

Berahot de la manyana

de “Seder Nashim” (Livro de Orasiones de Mujeres) de Prof. Ora (Rodrig) Schwarzvald – paj. 68 Mi Dio alma ke diste en mi linpia tu la kriaste tu la afeguraste i tu guardanla entre mi i...