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San Diego
Friday, October 4, 2024

The Big Three: Kids4Peace summer camp teaches about Christianity, Judaism and Islam

It's the time of year when local churches host vacation Bible schools. These are typically one-week affairs, held for a few hours each day, in which kids learn more about their Christian faith. For more...

Palestinian authority thanks terrorists for murdering 22 Jewish kids

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAc9NME1WeI In the above video, an announcer on official state-run Palestinian Authority TV is heard openly praising the actions of the terrorists who perpetrated the Ma'alot massacre in 1974. Ma'alot is situated in northern Israel, far...

Renée Molho, una libreria en sesh kapitulos

Renee Saltiel i Solon Molho se engrandesieron en la mas grande komunidad sefaradi del mundo; la de Salonika o Thessaloniki en la Gresya de oy. En akel tiempo 90,000 djudios bivian ayi ma kuando los...

Sarah Briand: Le jardin secret de Simone Veil

Le Point.fr : Depuis août 2015, Simone Veil est restée sur le podium des personnalités préférées des Français. Comment expliquez-vous ce lien indéfectible avec les Français ? Sarah Briand : Simone Veil est devenue une icône française et la nation lui a...

Bernstein: Israel Cabinet decisions greatly affect American Jews

According to the Sages of the Talmud, sinat hinam, causeless hatred, among Jews destroyed the Temple. We no longer have the Temple, but 50 years since the Six-Day War, the Kotel (Western Wall), our last remnant of...

New Jewish youth center honors respected community leader

San Antonio’s Congregation Agudas Achim broke ground Sunday on a new youth center to provide a place for area teens to gather and socialize. The Kavy Youth Center is named in honor of Cary Kavy, who died...

Netanyahu accused of supporting antisemites over Soros campaign

"This won’t be the last time that neo-Nazis quote Netanyahu,” the leader of the left-wing Meretz party Zehava Gal-On said Monday, accusing him of “supporting world antisemitism” after the Foreign Ministry released a...

Company fined for selling fake Kosher cheese to Jewish summer camps

If you keep kosher, meaning that you follow the list of Judaism's strict dietary restrictions, where your food comes from is a big deal. That's why it's handy to have foods that are certified...

Pirates of the Mediterranean: Shipwrecked cannons discovered off Israeli coast fired at 16th century...

Shipwrecked cannons discovered off the Israeli coast are believed to have last fired in the 16th century when Jewish pirates, corsairs and crusaders roamed the Mediterranean. The three elaborately decorated, Venetian-made bronze cannons, recovered off the...

Jewish settlers declare culture war on Unesco Hebron decision

The Unesco decision was aimed at protecting Palestinian heritage from attacks by settlers, instead it has sparked a culture war. "I call it national identity theft," Yishai Fleisher, the head of Hebron's Jewish settler community...