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San Diego
Thursday, October 3, 2024

Jews and Muslims complain over reference to Holocaust in BBC online article

The BBC has removed a line from an online story on its news website which had caused offence to both Muslims and Jews. Earlier today, the Board of Deputies issued a joint statement together with Fiyaz Mughal,...

Benjamin Allouche Chevalier de l’Ordre national du mérite

Benjamin Allouche, Président de la Communauté juive de Massy, Président du CCJ 91, Délégué du Crif dans l'Essonne, a reçu hier les insignes de Chevalier de l'Ordre national du mérite de la préfète Josiane...

Understanding Israel through its marginalised Mizrahi Jews

In the reams of articles marking the 50th anniversary of the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, there has been little focus on Israel’s population of Jews from Arab lands. This is no...

John Mann re-elected chair of group against anti-Semitism in Great Britain

John Mann has been re-elected to chair the All-Party Parliamentary Group Against Antisemitism. A large group of new and returning MPs attended the group’s AGM off Westminster Hall at which the MP highlighted the importance...

Jewish Federation of Delaware wins publishing award

The Jewish Federation of Delaware has won an Award of Excellence in the 2017 APEX Awards, a competition that honors brochures, websites and annual reports. APEX presented the award to the Jewish Federation for its...

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier accuses social media of spreading anti-Semitism

Steinmeier told the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper Wednesday that in addition to centuries-long anti-Semitism in Germany, anti-Jewish sentiment existed among some newly arrived Muslim migrants - and that all of it was being stoked by hate tirades...

A new study confirms evidence of Jewish ancestry among India’s Bene Israel

Of India’s three principal Jewish communities, the Bene Israel—who historically lived in the northwestern part of the country—have the most obscure origins. It was not until 1964 that the Israeli Chief Rabbinate accepted their...

Jews gather at Sumud Freedom Camp to support Palestinian outpost in the West Bank

Eyal Shani arrived at Sumud Freedom Camp at midday, just as Fadhel Aamar was waking up, emerging from the shadowy cave he now inhabits. It was a hot and dusty Ramadan day, and Aamar...

La falsa korespondensia entre los Djudios de Arles i los de Estambol

Arles aze parte de las sivdades de la rejion en el Sud-Este de Fransia, konosida en tanto ke Provence. Determinada por las partikularidades de su pasado, Provence tiene su propria istoria djudia. En este...

Mon testament

Nouvelle préface ajoutée à l'édition de 1991 Janvier 2005 POUR MOI, LE MOIS DE JANVIER EST UN MOIS DE DEUIL, parce que, il y a exactement 60 ans, j’agonisais assis sur un tas de cadavres bien...