64.6 F
San Diego
Thursday, October 3, 2024

Chilean Jews concerned over ‘imported’ Israeli-Palestinian conflict

A series of recent events in Chile have caused heightened tensions between the Jewish and Palestinian communities there, with the leader of the Jewish community warning that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is being imported into...

Greek-Jews in Karditsa unveil monument to thank village that hid them from Nazis in...

Greek-Jews thanked the residents of the village of Amarantos in Karditsa on Sunday who protected them or their relatives from the Nazis during World War II, during the unveiling of a monument of “eternal...

Uzbekistan: A taste of the Silk Road

In Samarkand, the very name as mysterious and magical as the legends it evokes, I am surrounded by blue. From the twinkling peacock colour of the domes to the azure tiles and the turquoise...

Mexican envoy who walked out on anti-Israel UNESCO debate honored

The Simon Wiesenthal Center has honored former Mexican ambassador to UNESCO Andrés Roemer for his “tireless work in defense of human rights,” at a ceremony in Mexico City. Roemer was fired in October 2016, after...

New Palestinian Attempt at UNESCO to Claim Hebron and the Patriarch’s Tomb as a...

From recent media reports, it is evident that the Palestinian campaign to delegitimize Israel, falsely adjust history, and abuse the international community by manipulating a respected international specialized agency is proceeding at an...

The need for tolerance in Judaism

I am returning to last week’s subject of homosexuality in Judaism and the personal attacks on Rabbi Joseph Dweck, because the ramifications are still very troubling. The illogical, political and personal attacks on Rabbi Dweck...

El orno de pan

Una mujer entro onde su vizina para amasar pan, i tenia tres dukados atados a su peshkir. Los tomo i los puzo sovre la savana, ke sovre eya uzavan amasar el pan. I se...

ONU : l’Obsession anti-Israélienne

Expliquons.    Depuis sa création, le conseil de sécurité a adopté pas moins de… 226 résolutions sur le conflit israélo-palestinien, dont nombre n’ont jamais été suivies d’effet, certes. C’est encore sans compter les centaines de résolutions...

Rabbi Steinsaltz launches new english translation of Torah

A new English translation of the Torah by Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz and the Koren publishing house has recently been completed and is scheduled to hit books stores in September 2018. The translation of the...

Tech talk: Israel’s fortune 500 companies

The Ayn Rand Center awarded the 2017 Atlas Award to Israeli start-up Zebra Medical Vision, which has developed algorithms that diagnose diseases and medical problems even before symptoms arise. The ceremony, which took place in...