A Guide to Yom Ha’atzmaut
On the 14th of May in 1948, a man named David Ben-Gurion, soon to be Prime Minister, established the State of Israel, rebuilding the homeland of the Jews—a people who which had been exiled...
Mimouna: A Post-Passover Celebration
Though originating and celebrated widely in the Sephardic community (Jews of Mediterranean background), a small number of North American Ashkenazi Jews (those of Eastern European background) have started celebrating this festival in recent years.
SAVAGE: Finding out I’m not Jewish: reflections on cultural identity
This bit of news is only funny because for most of my life I believed, with good reason, that I was a Jew.
It’s a story, but we have time.
My father left home when he...
Richmond Jewish congregation welcomes refugees to Passover ritual
They lit candles, praying that those suffering around the world find light in the darkness. Dipping karpas into salt water, they saw the tears of all who suffer injustice.
Abdul Jalal Hashimi then watched the...
Students, Community Celebrate Passover at the Temple Shalom of Northwest Arkansas
For the UA Jewish community, spring is a time of holy tradition, community and storytelling with the annual celebration of Passover.
Rachel Ungar, a UA Junior and president of the Hillel Jewish Student Association, said...
Passover Is Important, But My Kids Don’t Know Why
My kids could care less that they're Jewish.
They associate it with having to go to Hebrew School, which, let's face it, I didn't like either when I was a kid. But eventually, their attitude...
Nietzsche and Pesach: How the Exodus Ruined Everything
Frederick Nietzsche believed that the Egyptians were blond.
My apologies; I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start from the beginning:
Despite what people sometimes claim, Frederick Nietzsche wasn’t an anti-Semite. To the contrary, he was strongly...
Celebrating Communal Values this Passover
JCRC has been extra busy these first few months of 2017 advocating on behalf of our community both here and in Israel. We hosted an extraordinarily well-attended and impactful Jewish Community Forum with support...
President Trump (and His Jewish Daughter and Son-in-Law) Skipped the White House Passover Seder
President Donald Trump did not attend the annual White House Passover Seder held on Monday night, a spokeswoman confirms to PEOPLE.
His daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, who are both Jewish, also skipped the event,...
The Plague of Darkness continues
Pesach is known as the Festival of Freedom. For Jews who live in the Diaspora, this means freeing themselves from living in foreign lands amidst the gentiles and coming home to the Land of...