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Friday, September 20, 2024

OECD Secretary-General Praises Ben-Gurion University’s Devotion to Turning the Negev into a “Garden” of...

OECD Secretary-General Jose Ángel Gurría warmly accepted the Ben-Gurion Leadership Award from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev President Prof. Rivka Carmi on Monday, praising BGU's leading role in the development of the Negev. 'Shimon Peres...

Remembering David Stoliar, the Only Survivor of 1942 Struma Disaster

Last Saturday, the New York Times ran an obituary about David Stoliar, the only survivor aboard the Struma, a ship carrying an estimated 800 Romanian, Bulgarian, and Russian Jews, all fleeing the Holocaust. The ship,...

Shift in tone: Liberals warn Israel against settlements, Palestinians against unilateral statehood bids

The Liberal government on Sunday put out its first statement on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which included calling Israel a “steadfast friend and ally” while also warning it against building more settlements on disputed land. Released...

“Rabin, the Last Day”. A documentary.

  Rabin, The Last Day, Amos Gitai’s sprawling, scarific two-and-a-half-hour quasi-documentary on the November 1995 assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by a young religious fanatic, Yigal Amir, after the signing of the Oslo Accords,...

Israel’s Top General Praises Iran Deal as ‘Strategic Turning Point’ in Slap at Bibi

Remember the nuclear agreement between Iran and the West? You know — the one that Benjamin Netanyahu insisted was the biggest danger to Israel and the Jews since time immemorial? Well, Israel’s military chief of...

Historic New York Shul Considers, Then Rejects, ‘SynaCondo’ Plan

Astoried New York Orthodox synagogue, just blocks from the Empire State Building, is looking to its future, but says a report that it may build a gleaming 19-story ‘SynaCondo’ is wrong. The West Side Jewish...

Putin to European Jews: Come to Mother Russia!

On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin invited Jews facing anti-Semitism in Europe to return to Russia. The comments, reported by the RBC, a Russian media outlet, took place during a meeting in Moscow with a delegation...

EU passes controversial anti-Israel resolution

The European Union (EU) passed on Monday evening a resolution stipulating that all agreements between Israel and the EU not apply to any areas over the 1949 Armistice borders. In the convoluted wording of the...

‘If I Could Say Liberal Jews I Would’

Ted Cruz—a “defender of Israel” who once said “If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you”—came under fire last week when he called out Donald...

Pope Francis to join Google’s Eric Schmidt in rare tech industry meeting

Pope Francis once described the internet as a “gift from God”. But on Friday he is due to meet with someone who may believe the internet has more to do with his own company...