Some 80 people, including survivors, today paid tribute to the Holocaust victims and commemorated the 75th anniversary of the departure of Trebic Jewish transports for Terezin, north Bohemia, in May 1942.

Two wartime Jewish transports marked as Av and Aw left Trebic on May 18 and May 22, 1942.

A total of 1371 Jews from Trebic and its vicinity were deported to the Terezin concentration camp. A mere 63 lived to see the end of the war.

The Jewish settlement of Trebic is one the most significant and oldest in Moravia. Jews probably came to the area in the early 12th century already.

The number of Jews living in the ghetto did not probably ever markedly cross 1500.

In 1900, only about Jews lived in the Jewish neighbourhood, which has been UNESCO listed due to its unique architectonic and urbanistic value since 2003.


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