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Home 2017 December

Monthly Archives: December 2017

Israel pulls out of Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit in Germany over political conflict

Israel has pulled out of a planned exhibit of the Dead Sea Scrolls in Frankfurt because the German government would not guarantee their return if claimed by Palestinians. The Frankfurt Bible Museum announced that it...

Trump gets until Monday to decide on moving embassy to Jerusalem

WASHINGTON — As Israelis and Palestinians watched the hours tick by on Friday, waiting to see whether US President Donald Trump would once again sign a waiver delaying a move of the US embassy from...

Netanyahu denies saying Reform Judaism will disappear by assimilation

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denied that he said in closed talks that Reform Judaism in the United States would disappear within two generations due to assimilation. Netanyahu’s bureau said the reports, which appeared Friday in...

“DI NATURE” by Yoeli Falkowitz and Avraham Fried

https://www.youtube.com/embed/qyAirGILyxc רע, וואָס עס איז זיי שווער צו פֿאַרשטיין זײַן ליטווישן ייִדיש. דערצו איז זײַן מוזיקאַלישער סטיל פֿון נעמען די מעלאָדיעס פֿון רוסישע פֿאָלקסלידער און זיי שפּילן אויף אַן אַקאָרדעאָן הײַנט זייער אַלטמאָדיש. פֿון דעסט...

A Hanukkah reflection on ancient and modern miracles

Menorahs will soon burn bright as the global Jewish community celebrates the eight-day holiday of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, which runs from Dec. 12 to 20 this year. Hanukkah commemorates the miracle of Jewish survival,...

The lost Jews of Churachandpur

Seventy-year-old Avihu Singsit, a native of Churachandpur district in Manipur, is excited about migrating to Israel. “I have been waiting to go to the holy land which God chose for my ancestors,” he says....

WATCH | ‘We disappeared’: The forgotten Jewish refugees from Muslim lands

They left under the cover of night. They couldn't even say goodbye. They left everything behind. Many of them never returned, even for a short visit... These are the stories of the Jewish refugees...

Nazi guard dubbed ‘Bookkeeper of Auschwitz’, 96, jailed for four years

Oskar Groening, known as the ‘Bookkeeper of Auschwitz’, was found guilty in July 2015 of being an accessory to the murders of 300,000 people at the Nazi death camp in occupied Poland. Groening has not...

Italy Tell The Story Of Its Jewish People In New Museum

"The story of Jews in Italy is really an Italian story,” Dario Disegni said one recent autumn morning at Columbia University’s Italian Academy for Advanced Studies. Disegni, president of the National Museum of Italian Judaism...

Khalil Al-Hayyah, du Hamas : Nos armes ne sont pas sujettes à débat ;...

Voir les extraits vidéo sur MEMRI TV Le membre du Bureau politique du Hamas Khalil Al-Hayyah a déclaré : « Nos armes iront en Cisjordanie pour combattre l’occupation » lors d’une conférence de presse, le 27 novembre...