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Monthly Archives: May 2024

IDF’s Rafah operation unaffected by ICJ, ICC steps

Recent moves by the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court at the Hague are having no tangible effect on the Israel Defense Force’s ongoing Gaza operation, aimed at dismantling Hamas’s remaining...

Protesters at Hebrew U call to ‘expel the occupier’

Around 100 students participated in an anti-Israel protest at the Hebrew University’s Mount Scopus campus in Jerusalem on Tuesday, waving PLO flags and chanting inflammatory slogans, according to Hebrew media reports. Kan News shared video of...

Israeli council head gets WhatsApp threats ‘from Hezbollah’

The head of Israel’s Upper Galilee Regional Council received threatening WhatsApp messages on Tuesday from a source claiming to belong to Hezbollah, according to Israeli media reports. “To the settlers of the north, if you...

Hamas terrorists fire at central Israel from Samaria

Hamas on Monday published footage of masked terrorists opening fire with automatic weapons at Bat Hefer, an Israeli village east of Netanya that borders the Green Line with Samaria, Channel 12 News reported. In the footage, two...

UN Security Council to hold emergency session on Rafah

The United Nations Security Council was set to meet on Tuesday afternoon in an emergency session to discuss Israel’s Sunday night airstrike on Hamas terrorists in southern Gaza, which resulted in tens of civilian...

Iran reaffirms support for Palestinian terror

The death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will not affect Tehran’s backing for Palestinian terrorist groups or its approach to nuclear talks with the United States, a foreign ministry spokesman said on Monday. Despite Raisi’s...

Haley: Israel is fighting against America’s enemies

Israel is fighting against the enemies of the United States in a war orchestrated by Iran, helped by Russian intelligence and funded by money from China, said Nikki Haley, former U.S. ambassador to the...

Hamas supporters’ anti-US agenda opened eyes at UNC

When anti-Israel protesters at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill hurled slurs and objects at Jewish students, it drew little attention. Late last month, when those same protesters ripped down the American flag...

‘A.’ appointed as next Mossad No. 2

Mossad head David Barnea on Monday announced the appointment of “A.” as the intelligence agency’s next deputy director. A. will replace H., who has served as the organization’s deputy director since 2021, the Prime Minister’s Office said...

Hanan Yablonka, whose body was recovered from Gaza, laid to rest in Tel Aviv

“Until Friday, we did not know whether Hanan was alive or dead,” Shay Abadi, Hanan Yablonka’s brother-in-law, told JNS on Monday. “In a meeting at around 8:30 a.m., the IDF told us they had found his...