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Monthly Archives: August 2024

Judge dismisses murder charge against man accused of killing Samantha Woll

Prosecutors have lost the opportunity to try again in convicting Michael Jackson-Bolanos, 29, following a jury deadlocking last month on two of four charges in the slaying of Jewish community leader Samantha Woll. Judge Margaret Van Houten sentenced Jackson-Bolanos...

‘Strange turn of events made me do it,’ rabbis say of penning Oct. 7...

One of the images in a mournful poem by the seventh-century rabbi Eleazar ben Kalir, which is a central kinah prayer chanted on the Tisha B’Av fast day, refers to the silenced words of Temple singers. Giving literary form...

‘So important to teach American Jews what it is to be Israeli,’ Elan Carr...

Just as Israelis unified against a common foe after Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror attack, the hundreds of thousands of Israeli Americans stateside have also mobilized in the past 10 months to fight rising Jew-hatred,...

Still teaching their kids to hate Jews

(Moshe Phillips is National Chairman of Americans For a Safe Israel / AFSI, a leading pro-Israel advocacy and education group.) A new study has found that the curriculum used in the Palestinian Authority’s schools is...

Possible advantages of a preemptive strike on Iran

During its impending war with Iran, Israel’s overriding objective should be to keep that jihadist enemy non-nuclear. The best way to meet this objective will be by systematically controlling conflict escalations (“escalation dominance”). In...

The “true” story of the August 12, 1952 massacre in Russia

דער 12טער אויגוסט איז באמת א טרויער טאג אין דער יידישער געשיכטע, אבער ניט מחמת די סיבות, וואס די יעווסעקן און זייערע פארטיידיקער באטאנען. דער 12טער אויגוסט איז א שאנד-טאג אין דער געשיכטע פון...

IDF chief of staff: Sinwar’s new title ‘won’t absolve him’

Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar’s new role as head of the terrorist group’s politburo will not shield him from the Israeli security forces, Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi...

Israel cancels Norwegian diplomats’ status: ‘Attack us and pay a price’

Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz informed Oslo on Thursday that he was canceling the diplomatic status of eight Norwegian representatives operating out of the country’s embassy in Tel Aviv whose sole role was to...

Israel estimates Hezbollah will strike before Iran

Israel remains on high alert for potential attacks by Iran and its regional terror proxies, with the security establishment assessing that Hezbollah will strike first. Both the Islamic Republic and its Lebanese terror army have vowed revenge...

Jewish vote impacted Bell’s margin of victory over Bush, Agudah says

Analysts are still poring over the data from Wesley Bell’s victory over anti-Israel “Squad” member Cori Bush in the Missouri Democratic primary on Tuesday night, but Rabbi A.D. Motzen is sure that the Jewish vote made...