Alon Penzel, a former spokesman for Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories and author of “Testimonies Without Boundaries, Israel: October 7th 2023,” said he initially bumped into problems when trying to release the book on Amazon.

The company says it does not allow “hate speech” or a book that “promotes the abuse or sexual exploitation of children, contains pornography, glorifies rape or pedophilia, advocates terrorism, or other material we deem inappropriate or offensive.”

According to Jewish Insider, Penzel didn’t know what potential violation his book had breached. “I asked questions that were not so sensitive in order to reach the truth about the difficult aspects of what they experienced,” he told the news outlet.

He called the title “written clearly and unapologetically. I don’t think I have the right to censor or moderate what happened.”

Penzel’s work features previously unreported stories of sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against both men and women who were assaulted that Black Shabbat.

The nonprofit Israel-Is co-sponsored the book. Israel’s Foreign Ministry and Ministry of Diaspora Affairs have purchased dozens of copies intended for distribution to international leaders.


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