American Jewish actress and comedienne Roseanne Barr toured Samaria on Friday as part of an international campaign against the BDS movement she is leading along with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach.

Boteach and Barr met with head of the Samaria Regional Council Yossi Dagan, who took them to a scenic viewpoint at Paduel, where they could look out over the coastal plain.

“Samaria is the heart of the Jewish people’s historic homeland, and the most ridiculous thing in the international diplomatic campaign is to say that the Jews are ‘occupying’ [it],” he said.

Barr planted a tree and called the residents of Judea and Samaria “pioneers,” saying they were at the forefront of the State of Israel.

According to Barr, the BDS movement opposes coexistence and would prefer a “state of war.”

Boteach’s World Values Network organized Barr’s visit to Israel. She is scheduled to stay a week and visit Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, the Carmel, the Golan Heights and various historical, political and holy sites.


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