Tag: Human Behavior
Taking Our Lives To Feel Alive
There have been a number of articles recently in my column about a form of aggression that I have called crimes of numbness. People become so numb as a result of the frictionlessness and...
The Endurance That Comes With Being Part-Robot
In my last article, I discussed the creation of a robot athlete whose skills within certain athletic processes in a game were superior to those of humans. I am talking about the basketbot named...
Trying To Enjoy Sports More Through Robotics
As has been discussed previously in this column, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become quite successful in defeating human players in games like chess and Go as well as in video games. Now seventeen members...
Paying For Things That Don’t Really Exist
More and more people are purchasing and using goods that don’t really exist. That is, they don’t really exist in the external world of mass, matter and substance, where most of us actually live. ...
Gaining Traction To Move On A Slippery Road
Recently, we were confronted again with another mass murder in the United States. It occurred at a high school in Parkland, Florida near Miami, and this time, the students have reacted by organizing protests...
Losing Our Life Narratives To A Microchip
In my last article, I discussed how computers were being taught to cooperate and compromise with humans using morality algorithms. Of course, as I explained, computers with artificial intelligence can’t really cooperate and compromise,...
Devising Moral Behavior For Machines
Every time this column comes along to try and draw the boundaries between the respective essences of humans and machines, computer engineers create new situations where computers seemingly adopt another trait of humans that...
Immersing Oneself In A Chair
In a recent article in this column there was a discussion of the creation of virtual and augmented reality experiences for people who were bored as passengers in driverless cars. The particular experience discussed...
The Competition That Humans Are Creating For Themselves
There have been a lot of articles in the media lately about the achievements of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In particular, about all the human champions of different kinds of games that AI is beating. ...
Driving Around While Floating In A Vacuum
As most of you probably know, we are moving toward the time when autonomous vehicles will start filling our roads and highways. But what has not been discussed a lot is that Intel and...