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Tag: Jewish State

Israel has a ‘natural and historic’ right to exist, the UN recognized in 1947,.before...

Abba Eban, Israel’s first permanent representative to the UN, once called the UN, “the world center for anti-Semitism.” Attacks against Israel were so strident during his tenure , he said that “If Algeria introduced...
Walkerssk / Pixabay

Israel’s survival ‘in time’

In essence, time represents the most critical determinant of Israel’s survival as a state. This is true not just in relation to operational requirements of counterterrorism and nuclear war avoidance, but also because Israel’s policies reflect...
Government Press Office (Israel), via Wikimedia Commons

Nation-state law: More than just a declaration

The attacks carried out by Palestinian terrorist ‎organizations against Israel over the years have ‎successfully explained Israel’s defensive and ‎retaliatory measures. As part of these measures, ‎terrorist cells were eliminated, Qassam rockets were ‎destroyed, terrorist...
David Ben-Gurion declaring independence beneath a large portrait of Theodor Herzl, founder of modern Zionism. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

What’s the matter with a Jewish state?

The primary reaction from most people to the news that the Knesset may soon pass a bill defining Israel as a “Jewish state” is likely to be incredulity. Since just about everything about its...

Author of controversial ‘Jewish State’ bill insists it’s unprejudiced and fair

n June 2011, Avi Dichter, then an opposition Knesset member with the centrist Kadima party, started collecting signatures for a proposal he had been working on to officially define Israel as a Jewish state...