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Tag: Luxembourg

A Jewish-owned shop in Luxembourg before the Holocaust. Credit: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Luxembourg to distribute $1.1 million in restitution to Holocaust survivors

The World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO) announced that the Claims Conference has begun allocating $1.1 million to Holocaust survivors who are currently living in or were persecuted by German Nazis or their allies in...
Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel. Credit: Government of Luxembourg.

Following restitution deal, Luxembourg premier pledges to fight anti-Semitism

Following an agreement signed on Wednesday by the government of Luxembourg to compensate Holocaust survivors, return looted art and restitute dormant bank accounts, Prime Minister Zavier Bettel told Israel Hayom that the fight against anti-Semitism is not over. “It...
A Nazi parade by the synagogue in Luxembourg in 1941, which was destroyed in 1943. Credit: Wikipedia.

Luxembourg to compensate Holocaust victims

The Luxembourg government is set to sign a historic agreement on Wednesday to pay reparations to Holocaust survivors, return Jewish property to its rightful owners and preserve the history of the local Jews who...
Front row (from left): Gideon Taylor, chair of operations, WJRO; Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg; Randy Evans, U.S. Ambassador to Luxembourg; and Tom Yazdgerdi, U.S. Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues. Second row (front): Evan Hochberg, director of international affairs, WJRO; Albert Aflalo, president, Consistoire Israélite Luxembourg; Franҫois Moyse, president, Foundation Luxembourgeoise de la Mémoire Shoah. Back row (from left): Wesley Fisher, director of research, WJRO. Credit: WJRO.

Holocaust-era property compensation discussed with Luxembourg’s prime minister

Leaders of the World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO) and of the Jewish Community of Luxembourg met on Tuesday with Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel to discuss efforts to address remaining Holocaust-era property compensation issues. The...