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Tag: Palestinians

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Donald Trump with senior White House adviser Jared Kushner at the start of a meeting in Jerusalem on May 22, 2017. Credit: Kobi Gideon/GPO.

Bahrain conundrum: Will the Trump administration succeed in its first phase of Arab-Israeli peacemaking?

When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Israel’s return to the election drawing board, it sent political shockwaves throughout the country. It also proved shocking for the Trump administration since the government coalition failure...

Islamic Jihad leader: ‘Greater battle with Zionist enemy to come, we were hours away...

In an interview with Lebanese Mayadeen TV last week, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ziyad Al-Nakhaleh said the terrorist group had demonstrated only a portion of its “power and determination” in its armed conflict with...
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) on Yahoo News’ Skullduggery podcast. Credit: Screenshot.

Rep. Tlaib: Palestinians enabled ‘safe haven’ for Jews after the Holocaust

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) claimed on a podcast published on Friday that the Palestinians enabled a “safe haven” for Jews after the Holocaust, thereby reiterating her support for a one-state solution. “There’s always kind of...
Jared Kushner, White House senior adviser and son-in-law of U.S. President Donald Trump, speaking at the 2019 TIME 100 Summit on April 23, 2019. Credit: Screenshot.

Kushner: Mideast peace plan to seek ‘tough compromises’ from Israelis, Palestinians

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner said on Tuesday that the highly anticipated so-called “deal of the century” will “demand tough compromises from Israelis and Palestinians.” “Normally they start with a process … what we’ve...
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is running for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020, answers a question about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a CNN town hall on April 22, 2019. Credit: Screenshot.

Sanders: Netanyahu’s governing coalition is ‘right-wing, dare I say racist’

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is running for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president, labeled the government under Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “racist” on Monday. The self-described Socialist, who lived on a kibbutz back in the...
Tel Aviv University students hold a moment of silence for Palestinian “martyrs” in the Gaza Strip on March 26, 2019. Credit: Im Tirtzu.

Tel Aviv University students hold moment of silence for ‘martyrs’ in the Gaza Strip

In response to the recent escalation in the Gaza Strip, students at Tel Aviv University held a moment of silence on Tuesday for Palestinian “martyrs” there. “This is a moment of silence in memory of...
Palestinians prepare balloons that will be attached to flammable material during clashes with Israeli security forces on the Gaza-Israeli border on Aug. 10, 2018. Photo by Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90.

IDF aircraft strikes groups of Gazans launching incendiary balloons towards border

Israeli military aircraft shot two groups of Palestinians who launched incendiary balloons from the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, announced the Israel Defense Forces. This comes days after the IDF retaliated, hitting dozens of “terror sites” in...
Palestinian demonstrators attend a protest in Gaza City against increasingly severe economic conditions in the Gaza Strip, on Feb. 24, 2019. Credit: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90.

Hamas arrests, beats seven journalists covering economic protests in Gaza

Seven Palestinian reporters were in Hamas’s custody on Sunday, reported The Times of Israel, citing a source with the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, as they were covering protests over Gaza’s increasingly severe economic hardships and high cost...
Palestinian leader Saeb Erekat. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Palestinian leader calls for boycotting merged US embassy in Jerusalem

Palestinian leader Saeb Erekat called for boycotting the updated U.S. embassy in Israel, which officially absorbedthe U.S. Consulate General earlier this week. Erekat said on Thursday that the international community should “not to engage in any...
From left: Heather Johnston, founder and executive director of USIEA; Ashraf Jabari, a Palestinian business and community leader from Hebron; and Avi Zimmerman, co-founder of the JSC. Credit: Eitan Tal.

Israelis and Palestinians unite to create economic viability

With so many new businesses sprouting up in Israeli and Palestinian communities in Judea and Samaria, isn’t it possible to create some form of collaboration between them to share resources and take advantage of...